@mat-lipe I’m having trouble with this plugin, and I just registered with www.ads-software.com so I can’t seem to create a new topic of my own. Sorry to hijack this one but I’m really stuck.
First off, I’m fairly new to WordPress. I’m planning to migrate a site from Joomla 3.4, and I’ve spent the last month building and rebuilding demo sites on my pc, so I’m really just scratching the surface and I may be way out of my league here. ??
I setup Advanced Sidebar Menu to show menus based on pages – and I even figured out how to hack the code to give the menu a dynamic title based on the top page. (Note that I literally only have 6 hours of php experience, so figuring out how to do that took me about two days lol, but anyway here’s the code for what I accomplished.)
The first line is your code from the src -> Advanced_Sidebar_Menu_List_Pages.php on line 172; the rest was how I got the title to display what I wanted:
$this->args = apply_filters( 'advanced_sidebar_menu_list_pages_args', $args, $this );
?><aside id="nav_menu-2" class="widget widget_nav_menu">
<h3 class="widget-title"><?php
echo get_the_title( $this->top_parent_id ) ; ?>
So getting a dynamic title was pretty awesome – but unfortunately I have a problem which is there whether I take my code out, or leave it in.
I’m running BuddyPress 2.6.2, and on my Members page, Groups page, and all individual member pages and group pages, I get a dynamic list of every page on my site. I’ve tried excluding those pages by their ID, and I’ve also tried setting the widget to Hide if Page is Members, Groups, etc. There doesn’t seem to be any way to turn this off.
I’ve also tried to exclude other pages (the ones I actually want it to show on), and the widget does not exclude them, either. However, I can “Hide if Page is” on those other pages, just not on Members or Groups.
FWIW, I’m using WordPress 4.6 with the Customizr theme (although I tried a few other themes and had the same problem with all of them), and I have Advanced Sidebar Menu 6.1.0.