• Hello there,

    Two days ago I installed the theme Advertica Lite.

    My client loves it and considers the purchase of the Pro version, but wants to start with the Lite version and then upgrade to Pro (may be with the offered testing phase).

    After installation we tried to change the featured boxes image mask.
    We want the look of the features as they currently look (the hexagon standing on a corner) to like to look like my client’s logo (a honeycomb, also a hexagon, but with rounded corner and standing on a side, not a corner).

    Therefore I did the following:

    I searched for the mask and found the image

    I replaced this png image by a png image with the mask shaped like the logo and I gave the file same name:

    Usually such is enough to change icons or masks – I did such in other themes already and this worked.

    Unfortunately it seems to be not enough in Advertica Lite. The Featured Boxes area still looks the same as before in the original theme I had uploaded, although I have replaced the mask image.

    Is there a tweak I have to to anywhere else? I some …php file?

    If yes, may I ask you to please instruct me where I have to do/change/add/remove what? Cogde? PHP? CSS? I searched like hell but found nothing.

    I had an image explaining the issue a bit, but found no possibility to upload it here.

    Unfortunately I can’t give a link here as the website is currently not visible for the public (it’s on the server but password protected). I will gladly give a link when it’s public. Other users will then see what I have changed and profit from what you told me to do. OK?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Best regards

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  • Tanay


    Hello There,

    For this,you simply change CSS,not images.

    Tanay Khandelwal

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