• daisy8


    Hi there,

    My site is: https://www.the-boating-store-blog.com. I’ve been using the Twenty-twenty theme.

    1. I use ‘pages’ quite a lot and as you can see from the layout, the black tends to make the page names difficult to read. The more pages I add the bigger the black space gets. It’s not ideal. I have looked at the theme template to see if I can change the black, but am not tech-savvy enough to recognise the colour code. (Can anyone suggest a better template?)

    2. I’ve set the number of recent posts at 25. However, only 15 show up, and I wondered why. There is a lot of space down the side of the homepage to allow many more post titles. Anyone know the problem?

    3. What is your immediate impression? Rate the site out of 10 (10 being top marks). How can I improve it if no-one rates it high?

    Many thanks

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  • Loke


    1. I don′t think your page-names are difficult to read. Lightgrey on black, it looks clear enough. The reason you have so much blank area is probably just that you write so long page-names. They don′t fit in the confined menu so they jump down to the next row, leaving a big bland space behind them.

    2. Can′t help you. Have you checked your widget-settings? A possible explanation could be that the recently-widget simply has a top-limit of 15 posts. In that case there really isn′t much to do about it, except to look for a modified version.

    3. I′m not good with boats but if I was I would probably find this site useful. It has a lot of detailed information regarding kayaks and their prices. I rate it 7/10, for good information. Some improvements would be to organize the information better. Going to the site I feel like a tsunami of boat-history is flooding me. Another improvement would be to post your sources of information in your articles. Thirdly I would recommend using a more unique theme. Even though it′s hard to tell that you′re using twenty twenty it would appear more professorial. If you′re using your boat-site for business you might want to consider having a professorial designer fix something for you. ??

    Thread Starter daisy8


    Thanks so much for that.

    It’s quite encouraging that you give it 7/10. I’d better check the boat history bit though, as it’s not good that it’s so upfront. And I know it needs to be better organized. As I add more posts, the categories don’t really gel.

    Good advice too about a professional designer. It’s in the back of my mind.



    That’s a pretty unusual layout for the top nav. buttons. I think I would try to consolidate them into one row…maybe something like: Home, Small, Rigid, Inflatable, Places to Go. Then once on those pages use links to define additional navigation. You can get plugins for making nav. buttons and WordPress or your theme should have a links widget for the sidebar. Lots of options, but the way it is now it’s cluttered and confusing since there aren’t any visible separators between buttons.

    I use a lot of pages too…I have over 100 pages just for my main subject: Hounds. https://hounddogsdrule.com/

    You’re on the right track, just need to consolidate and organize better.

    Good Luck, Nick

    Thread Starter daisy8


    Thank you all for your comments. They are appreciated.

    Will take them on board and see how I get on with improving navigation and content.

    Thread Starter daisy8



    May I ask what theme you are using?

    With thanks



    (1) It’s not that links aren’t easy to read, it’s just that you’ve got a ton of page links just kind of crammed into a section for no good reason.

    (2) I only see 6 posts.

    (3) 3/10. Too many unnecessary elements and too much clutter. To me, it feels as if someone just walked up to me, asked if I maybe wanted to buy something from them, and they then dumped out two suitcases on the floor and said, “Alright, find what you want.”

    Thread Starter daisy8



    Thank you for your input.

    1. That’s the way Twenty-Twenty theme automatically listed them.

    2. They’re there.

    3. I take the point that it is not well organised.


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