• damicow



    Is it possible to grab the URL from a ACF?

    is it possible to change the loading image? remove the wp logo.

    loading time seems to be quite long… is it possible to cache the preview?

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author binarymoon



    A) I don’t know what an ACF is but my guess is no. See the other answer for the reason.

    B & C) I’m afraid not. The plugin uses a public WordPress.com api to generate the screenshots. Everything is on a third party server that I have no control over. The limitation of getting this for free is that we have no control over it ??

    Hello ACF means advanced custom fields. It’s a very popular plugin.

    Plugin Author binarymoon


    Ah ha – that makes sense. I’ve heard of it but never used it.

    If you are storing a url in a field then that could be used to generate a screenshot.

    There’s an example in the readme that looks like this:

    <img src="<?php echo BrowserShots::get_shot( 'https://prothemedesign.com', 600, 450 ); ?>" />

    You would need to replace the url with the one you are storing in the field.

    Thanks – Ben

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