• Resolved sahalshazz


    Affliate link copy option below the product , so affliate can easily copy andpromote the product also image downloading option ill be helpful

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  • Plugin Author iova.mihai


    Hey @sahalshazz,

    Thank you for reaching out! Currently, we do not have the features that you’ve shared. However, the first feature, to have an easier way for affiliates to grab their referral link for a product, you can use this code snippet, as long as you’re using WooCommerce to power your business:

    function slicewp_custom_add_to_cart_affiliate_referral_link() {

    if ( ! function_exists( 'slicewp_get_affiliate_url' ) ) {

    $affiliate_id = slicewp_get_current_affiliate_id();

    if ( empty( $affiliate_id ) ) {

    $referal_link = slicewp_get_affiliate_url( $affiliate_id, get_permalink() );

    echo '<label for="slicew-product-referral-link" style="display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px;">Your refferral link for this product:</label>';
    echo '<input id="slicew-product-referral-link" type="text" style="display: block; width: 100%;" value="' . esc_url( $referal_link ) . '"/>';

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'slicewp_custom_add_to_cart_affiliate_referral_link', 99 );

    Please copy the code and add it to your website. If you’re not sure how to add code snippets to your site, you can use the Code Snippets plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/code-snippets/).

    The code will add a text field for affiliates, right under the “add to cart” button on the individual product pages, with the affiliate’s referral link for the product that is viewed.

    Thank you and best wishes,


    Thread Starter sahalshazz


    I tried to Add this code using code snippet plugin, but it not showing the field

    Screenshot 1

    screenshot 2

    screenshot 3

    Plugin Author iova.mihai


    Hey @sahalshazz,

    I have just tested this on my end and it’s working as it should. Please note that only affiliates can see this field.

    Are you logged-in in as an affiliate? If not, please either add your own account as an affiliate in SliceWP or log in with an affiliate’s account.

    If this still doesn’t show up, please let me know how your product page is rendered. Is it via WooCommerce’s templates or are you using another plugin, such as Elementor’s, templates?

    If it’s Elementor’s templates, please contact them and ask them what action hook you would need to use to add the above code. The code is linked to WooCommerce’s native action hooks. If the templates from Elementor do not have these hooks in place, you would need to check with them if they have others that can be used.

    Thank you and best wishes,


    Thread Starter sahalshazz


    Ys it appred like this when i logged as affiliate

    only showing “Your refferral link for this product” Text


    Plugin Author iova.mihai


    Hey @sahalshazz,

    I believe the input field isn’t showing due to a styling conflict with your active theme. As the label is showing correctly, the logic of the code is working correctly.

    I’m afraid however that I can’t say what the styling issue is as I cannot inspect your website.

    What you can try is to replace the code that I previously sent you with this one:

    function slicewp_custom_add_to_cart_affiliate_referral_link() {

    if ( ! function_exists( 'slicewp_get_affiliate_url' ) ) {

    $affiliate_id = slicewp_get_current_affiliate_id();

    if ( empty( $affiliate_id ) ) {

    $referal_link = slicewp_get_affiliate_url( $affiliate_id, get_permalink() );

    echo '<div>';
    echo '<label for="slicew-product-referral-link" style="display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px;">Your refferral link for this product:</label>';
    echo '<input id="slicew-product-referral-link" type="text" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; color: #000;" value="' . esc_url( $referal_link ) . '"/>';
    echo '</div>';

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'slicewp_custom_add_to_cart_affiliate_referral_link', 99 );

    If this doesn’t help, please share the link to a product from your website so that I can inspect the HTML and CSS and see what else can be done.

    Thank you and best wishes,


    Thread Starter sahalshazz


    It’s working now, thank you for your help ??

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