Hi Geoffrey!
Thanks for your response!
Yes I have a WordPress Website with a WooCommerce shop plugin. I have been using Woo for a couple of years now and it has worked great for me although I wanted to switch things up from variable products to add some affiliate products that I created on my Zazzle account. Although for some reason I’m having problems uploading the affiliate product pictures into the “set product image” field when I’m trying to ‘add product’. I recently did a bunch of upgrades on my WordPress site in the last two weeks which I believe might be responsible for the errors. When I try to upload the image (panic news), (which I copied by: >shift key/Print Screen SysRq< dbl keyed the (panic news) affiliate product picture and then pasted into PAINT program to crop the image and then save as a jpeg)from my desktop screen I got an error image. I’m thinking I may have to deactivate and then reload WooCommerce to make it work right? I hope not… Anyhow I am pasting the wordpress messages I received:
panic news.pngAn error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
WPSSO can check the front-end webpage head section for duplicate HTML tags when editing Posts and Pages. You may uncheck this option if you’ve edited a few Posts and Pages without seeing any warning messages about duplicate HTML tags.
WPSSO Notice
Checking https://id-un.org/?product=panic-new webpage header for duplicate meta
Tags (see WP / Theme Integration settings).
Please help? I’m running out of time…