The back end where you interact with your website is different than what many people here interact with, BUT I’ll gladly help if I can.
When you created a post and put a featured image on it did you see an area where you could type in content? The layout of your blog looks appropriate – the front page’s images are clickable – but after it goes to the post there’s no verbiage underneath the image.
I would go to the post you created with the image originally and look for the area where the verbiage is supposed to be added – probably under the title – and click update page – then see if it shows up.
If not there’s probably something buggy going on with your theme for sure – might try a different one – as a I don’t think WordPress.COM accounts have access to fix code directly on themes (not sure).
This forum here is for self-hosted WordPress.ORG software installations.
This link explains the differences.
It’s a common misunderstanding. ??