After 2.0.2 update the sidebars display incorrectly
Hi, I’m Ely (-:
Happy New Year EveryoneSorry, I have a problem (I use the blog for fun not for work, so it is not serious or urgent) (-:
After the last update (2.0.2) the plugin does not work correctly, sidebars display unite with those that should replace, and also appear in the pages where are not assigned o.O
For tags and categories I am not sure, the upgrade also generated interpretation errors of the template styles and I immediately back to 1.3.5 version that works perfectly.
Perhaps this information can help You, I don’t use the default setting to assign titles to pages, I insert code strings to display images, buttons, etc. (however everything worked very good with previous versions).
I like very much your plugin and always prefer to install all the updates because I believe that also cover security.OK, I don’t want to stress You ((-:
Have a Great 2014
sorry for my English and Thank You so much for Your Work
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