• Adding to that fun, the only theme that will show the site correctly are the ones I developed it in which is the old default them with the blue colored header, all other themes, the pages that can’t be edited also don’t display the content….pretty weird, since many of the pages that DO display and can be edited have some of the same content….I spent many hours on this and I’m at wits end, tho I see several problems like this in google searches, nothing of the resolutions like killing plugs, concetating (sp?) in wp-config, or changing the debug in wp-config, none of that stuff made a lick of difference…completely frustrated and stymied.

    I’d love some help, this is too obscure….

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  • Yes, on the Contact page, I see :

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    … then the form

    On the Shows page, I see just a form.

    Thread Starter alzabo


    Yeh, both of those pages have content that isn’t displaying….

    How was that content created? By a theme shortcode or plugin, by chance?

    Thread Starter alzabo


    In the case of contact it’s mostly just on the page, the shows page is a reverbnation flash widget that pulls from their site, if I could ever get to the place where I can edit it I would put their html5 version in, but really none of the content is showing, flash or hard coded…

    Thread Starter alzabo


    I can put the old theme back on to show what it should look like…?

    Going back to your original post, I’m not totally clear what theme you were using to create this content or whether that’s the issue. Is it a currently supported and compatible theme?

    Are things working if you create NEW pages?

    Thread Starter alzabo


    I used the one that we talked about earlier, I don’t know if it’s supported or not, I haven’t tried creating another page, but I may have to go that route, I hate have to redo everything but it’s beginning to look like less work now….

    Thread Starter alzabo


    Ok, I tried adding another page, it’s parent is the Welcome page, called Shows2, it’s not displaying quite right but I haven’t messed with it, but it IS showing the content basically…

    Thread Starter alzabo


    Well, I guess that’s my answer then….I’ll just copy out all the info out of the pages that don’t work and replace them with pages that do….but I think there’s a pretty serious issue that someone is missing the opportunity to look at….but cludging it together WILL work, so I guess that’s an answer….

    I’m sorry I didn’t see this until now and don’t have a better answer to this – it’s not a widespread issue related to updating WP or we’d have seen many other people reporting it.

    It may indeed be related to the old (quite outdated) theme and how those pages were created.

    Hopefully, you won’t have too many to redo and won’t have further problems.

    Experienced a similar problem: blank back-end editor screens in both pages and posts. Also, no visual editor, just text.
    Two observations: 1) it’s possible to select the code, which then becomes visible and 2) the front end is not affected in any way.

    What worked was disabling the CKEditor for WordPress plugin.

    Hope this helps.


    I am using WP 3.4 and have gone to edit a page but everything from Dashboard to Settings is showing a blank page. I am reluctant to update to WP 4.0 as the last time I updated, my website was messed up and it took me ages to sort out.

    The only pages showing normal are SEO & Cotact Form.

    Any easy fix solution?

    I had this problem where the wysiwyg editor was blank on most but not all pages. In the end I found it was due to the fact I using UTF-7. To fix it I changed the blog_charset setting in the wp_options table in the database from UTF-7 to UTF-8 and I uncommented define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); in wp-config.php and it worked fine after that.

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