After changing domain name all posts & categories have wrong address
Ok in follow up to my previous post some 7 hours ago !
I have got my new site up and running, with the new domain name, however everything on there has the old domain name obviously !
Is there any easy way to change this or am I going to have to manually copy & paste everthing from the old domain to the new and then save in order to get the correct addresses on everything…??
Thanks for any help with this one !
why don’t people do it the right way to start?
you should have moved your blog correctly following this codex try this
then update your permalinks
admin – settings – permalinksWell to answer your question,
I guess people don’t do it the right way to start with, simply because they don’t know what the right way is !
I just wish that one day maybe I’ll be just as perfect as YOU ! never making any mistakes !!!!
How lucky you were to have been born with all this superb knowledge pre programmed into your brain.I only hope that one day in the not too distant future, I too can have an attitude like you !!!
Oh & thankyou for the info, I’ll just go do it the right way now OK
wow – are you serious?
YOU copped an attitude because YOU didn’t bother to read up before doing something?
one question can set you off like that?
Amazing…I feel so…reprimanded
hope you got it workingYes thankyou Samboll,
I have got it all working now.
As for attitude ! do you really think that anybody about to use wordpress is going to sit down and wade through thousands of pages or posts before using the program…? Be realistic, the majority of people would scan through the basics & then have a go, hoping to pick up info as they progress & delve deeper & deeper into it.
Unfortunately I am not a book worm or an academically minded person, therefore I learn much quicker & better, by practical experience and I’m sure there are very many people that are exactly the same !!
It doesn’t make you right & us wrong, it is simply that different people learn in different ways.One final point, please bear in mind that when someone has a problem with what they are attempting to do with WordPress, quite often they will have sat for hours, (or in my case days) trying everything they can think of to remedy their problem, many are at their witts end when they eventually resort to asking for help on this forum ! Therefore I do not think that to reply with attitude as you did, is the correct way to create a solid, friendly & helpful community, do you..??
If the questions & problems of us novices are irritating to you then please just step aside & allow someone with a more tolerant and understanding nature to answer instead. That said I do thankyou sincerly for your advice, it is just that having almost lost my entire site (yes due to my own stupidity) I can well do without your self righteous and critical attitude.
Regards Taffy
I’m sorry if you misunderstood. Hard to relay (or read into) meanings on a forum. I wasn’t trying to rip you.
And yes I do expect folks to thoroughly read and study what they will be using – that’s just common sense.
Sheesh … another VICTIM. “It’s not MY fault!”
You don’t have to “rip through thousands of pages or posts” to do things right – there is a search function. In addition, nearly every question that people have is covered in the codex, or by simply reading 2 or 4 pages of posts. I’ve been using WP for over 2 years and I STILL read a few pages of post in this board and the template board every day. If I can … why can’t you? It’s just laziness, that’s why.
And you cop an attitude like you do?
Good luck getting “help” in the future.
Well thankyou Saurus for that valuable input !
I have no doubt that somewhere amongst the miriad of threads in this forum, there are answers to just about anything us novices can dream up.
And as you saw fit to point out, YOU have been reading this stuff for over two years & yet still read 3 or 4 pages everyday..? So just out of curiosity I go and search for WP installation & guess what…?
there are a mere 21,314 posts, threads, call them what you will, just on installation alone !!! Now I don’t care how bright you or anyone else is, or indeed how lazy or hard working they are, nobody is going to read & digest 21,314 posts over a coffee & half a pack of chocolate digestives ! As I said earlier most novices will scan through the basics & then have a go, people do it setting up a new DVD, microwave, fish tank, whatever ! It does not mean they are lazy !!!Now being as it was two years ago that you started with all this, then you perhaps cannot remember what it is like to be a pure novice…? Well not wishing to appear excessively lazy, I shall try to give you some idea ok.
Most will as I said scan through the basics, if not then they would not get it up and running in the first place. Now to a novice or newbie, getting your head around all the terminology is hard enough, not only that, but the shear volume of stuff to read is mind boggling (you’ve been at it over two years & I assume have not reached the end yet…?) Also not everyone that plays around with WP or any other software such as Forums etc comes from a computer background, whether taught in school or in work & therefore to many of us we may just as well be trying to read traditional Chinese for all the sense it makes to us. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand what someone is talking about, unless you actually see it on the screen ! So I am very sorry mate, but laziness does not enter into it, not where I am concerned anyway.
Now I will admit that I was probably in a shit mood (having almost lost my entire site),when I read Samboll’s reply & therefore probably took what he said the wrong way.
Samboll, if this is the case then I appologise to you.
However my point is still valid, some of the people that reply to a query or request for help, do so from a self righteous stand point, which is very easy to do when you have all the answers ! But for those, like myself that have struggled for hours or days & then finally pluck up the courage to ask a question (knowing that we are probably going to make complete idiots of ourselves), it does not help one little bit to have an answer laced with a good shot of sarcasm, ridicule or self righteousness.
Everyone that uses WordPress is learning about it, unfortunately we do not all learn at the same pace, age & background also have an effect on the ammount of knowledge one can absorb.
So my request is simple, please just be a little more understanding, when one of us dummies asks, what to you, may seem an idiotic question !
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