• Resolved Danishsard


    I have this problem, I had the delete data from database option checked. I removed the plugin and all the data is still left in the database because of this plugin.

    How can I clean these several thousand records and have the tables of this plugin delete themselves and clear its settings?

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  • Plugin Support J Burns


    Hi @danishsard,

    Thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry if there are tables or data remaining after selecting the option to delete the data.

    Could you please share more details or a screenshot of the tables/data that are remaining?


    Thread Starter Danishsard


    The following tables remain:

    And thousands of records in post and cache. Additionally, there are probably also other settings in the database in other tables of this plugin. How to delete all data of this plugin?

    Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hey @danishsard,

    All tables that are prefixed with aioseo_blc are tables from a separate plugin, namely Broken Link Checker. If you install that plugin and enable the same “Uninstall” option under the Advanced settings tab, then all of those tables will be deleted on plugin uninstall.

    With regard to the aioseo_crawl_cleanup_logs, that table should be deleted when uninstalling AIOSEO. Unfortunately, it looks like this is not happening due to a small bug. I just addressed this so the fix for this will be in our next update. If you like you can manually remove the table from your DB through a management interface like PhpMyAdmin or Adminer.

    Finally, can you give us an example of the cache and post meta records you’re still seeing? I’ll be happy to have a look at those as well.



    Hello, I have the same issue. I thought that you addressed this bug in the latest version of the plugin, but reinstalling it, activating the option in Advanced settings to delete all the plugin data, and uninstalling it ended up adding more orphaned tables to my database.

    Now I have aioseo_cache aioseo_crawl_cleanup_blocked_args aioseo_crawl_cleanup_logs aioseo_notifications and aioseo_posts left behind in the WordPress database after uninstalling the plugin.

    Is it safe to remove these tables via PhpMyAdmin? Thanks!

    Plugin Support Steve M


    Hi @nestormarius,

    Please can you open your own forum post for this and we’ll be happy to help you.

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