• When I go to the Theme Panel, I select Scripts & Styles Panel and turn off Lightbox. After that the mobile menu does not work. When you turn it back on, the menu starts working again. This is as in the theme version 3.0.1 and the previous one was.

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  • With 3.0.0, OceanWP now requires that:

    In order to take full advantage of the Vanilla JS, all scripts via Theme Panel > Scripts & Styles must be ENABLED at all times.

    Read this page for more.
    So as soon as you disable one script or style, you now may have problems.
    For instance, for me, I had to enabled all scripts and tried to disable some styles. So far, I was able to unload some without problem, but I had to activate one that I never needed in order to circumvent a display bug…
    Maybe in future releases they will split things better and allow again to really be able to deactivate things.
    But one question remains: if we shouldn’t (can’t ?) deactivate some scripts or styles, why do we still have this option in v3.0.0/1 ?


    Go to Theme Panel > SCripts & styles, here click on the save button a couple of times, clear the entire cache, and check.

    PS- make sure to enable all the scripts & styles files.

    Find more details and explanations on the changes in our article: https://oceanwp.org/blog/oceanwp-3-this-summer-is-all-about-vanilla-js/

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