• Resolved bahus


    I reset all the plugin settings. Then I deactivated the plugin itself.
    Now I can’t get into the site’s admin panel at the standard address. It just redirects me to the main page.

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  • Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @bahus,

    Are you sure the plugin is deactivated ?

    you can deactivate the plugin by renaming the plugin folder also. /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall

    Add below constant in wp-cofing.php and cross check if wp-admin loads the login page?

    If possible try access {site_url}wp-login.php in incognito window and check it is not due to browse cache you are being redirected to home page.

    define( 'AIOS_NO_FIREWALL', true);


    Thread Starter bahus


    The factory reset option has been selected. Then the plugin was deactivated.
    When after that I could not get into the admin area, the folder with the plugin was also deleted from the hosting.
    Clearing the browser cache and incognito mode did not give any results.
    Redirect to the main page is present in all browsers.
    The option with wp-login.php gives the error “Sorry, access is denied”.
    The option with wp-login.php in incognito – access is also denied.
    With the directive define( ‘AIOS_NO_FIREWALL’, true); there is also a redirect.

    Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @bahus,

    In extra of remove the plugins files /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall,
    tables start with {tableprefix}_aiowps needs to removed also remove from wp_options having “aio”

    SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%aio%'


    Please also remove from .htaccess all code between,

    “BEGIN All In One WP Security”
    “END All In One WP Security”

    Also make sure that wp-config.php. , htaccess, .user.ini file in root of the wordpress installed directory do not include the aios-bootstrap.php
    and remove aios-bootstrap.php from the same folder you have wp-config.php

    Also remove the wp-content\uploads\aios\firewall-rules\settings.php
    and wp-content\uploads\aios\firewall-rules\allowlist.php

    This should remove all instance of AIOS.
    if still issue accessing wp-loign.php then it might be issue other than of AIOS.


    Thread Starter bahus


    Cleaned everything up. The site came back to life.

    Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @bahus

    Glad to know the site is working again.


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