• I am not sure if this is a plugin problem or WordPress problem. I decided to create a 404 ‘Page Not Found Page’. Prior to creating the page I installed and activated the plugin 404page. I then entered the Page editor, created the page and then hit Publish. It seemed to take a long time to complete the Publish and eventually timed out.

    I looked to see if the page was published. It was published but I also noticed 1000+ blank pages. The pages had ‘No Title’ and were numbered as seen in the in the permalinks.

    I have since deleted the plugin and the new 404 page and am in the process of deleting all the ‘No Title’ pages. Everything else on the site appears fine.

    I am using the Gabfire Stylebook theme.

    Has anyone seen this before?

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    I recommend asking at https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/404page#new-post so the plugin’s / theme’s developers and support community can help you with this.

    Thread Starter ross2017


    Thank You, Steve. Heading there now. Wanted to include it in this forum thinking there may be something other than the plugin causing the issue.

    I experienced the same thing, except 404page plugin is not installed and the activated theme is OnePress not Gabfire Stylebook. The last update to my WordPress install was 1/22/18 – to: Version 1.7.3 ( WP Version 4.9.4 ).

    I published a page on 2/6/18. This was the first Page published since the update installation, but also the first Page published in over two months. Over 1,300 Pages were created along with the Page I intended to Publish. All the ‘(no title)’ Pages were dated within seconds (up to minutes due to volume) of the last valid published Page.

    The last plugin installed was Reusable Text Blocks on 2/1/18, and does not create Pages but rather Posts. The Page I published does not use the Plugin shortcodes either. Since we don’t have the same plugins or theme, I’m thinking this is not related to a specific theme or plugin…

    I tried to recreate today (2/8/18) but could not. I tried doing a draft, then publishing, straight up publishing, creating a post then a page, editing a Page and Post with the RTB shortcodes and publishing – and have not seen any ‘no title’ Pages created. I did not install any new plugins or themes and try those steps since I’m not an admin.

    Other (maybe) relevant information: Using Project Nami and on a SQL database.

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