• Hi there.

    i just updated the contact form 7 on my website.

    in the normal way:
    When we click the send button; ajax-loader changes to visible, plugin check the inputs(required ones) and if its filled send the message. if the required inputs not filled, show us some error messages.

    but after the update:
    when we click the send button: ajax-loader changes to visible, and doesnt work anything after that. no error, no required check, nothing:]

    there was an error message on js console:
    the message is:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    POST https://www.domain.com/wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/134/feedback 404 (Not Found)

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mehmet Baris. Reason: spell check
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mehmet Baris.
Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 73 total)
  • Thread Starter Mehmet Baris


    hi @hannawp

    your forms is realy compicated and language is not english :] i am shocked :] anyway…

    your script codes is stay in there and this is ok.

    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://www.mieterverein-augsburg.de/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/scripts.js?ver=4.8′></script&gt;

    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://www.mieterverein-augsburg.de/wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js?ver=4.8′></script&gt;

    do you use any security plugin to enable/disable rest api?


    you have two error on your console.

    i am recommending to deactivate and activate again cf7 plugin and check it again.

    Uncaught TypeError: $form.on is not a function
    at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (scripts.js?ver=4.8:47)
    at Function.each (jquery.js:660)
    at init.each (jquery.js:274)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (scripts.js?ver=4.8:31)
    at Object.resolveWith (jquery.js:1016)
    at Function.ready (jquery.js:437)
    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (jquery.js:923)

    135 GET https://test.mieterverein-augsburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Wappen_einfarbig1.png net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Mehmet Baris. Reason: change

    Yes, it is a long form ??

    All I use is:
    All in one SEO Pack
    Search & Replace
    WordPress HTTPS (maybe that is the reason that is causes an error?)
    and now also WP REST API

    Thread Starter Mehmet Baris



    yes you are right you have a ssl error


    first, check this and we will try it again :]

    Thread Starter Mehmet Baris



    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.3/jquery.js”></script&gt;

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.16/jquery-ui.js”></script&gt;

    the error i wrote the last message: maybe this inline scripts making some crash with cf7 scripts

    but in my experiance with this issue is: when i removed the cf7 scripts try to use plugin with 4.8 update via disabled rest api, i got same errors. but i dont have that’s inline scripts(/googlapis…)

    and i was rolled back to 4.7 updates and disable cf7 auto-update and i am still using cf7 without any error.

    I try to find a solution for the picture. So strange that it gives me an error message…

    I deleted the picture now. I didn’t create the page and this picture wasn’t in use anyway.
    By the way, I just noticed that with Safari, I cannot even Submit the form, the button doesn’t work. Only with Chrome (but I still get the error…)
    Would you recommend for me to switch back to CF7 4.7 version for now?

    Thread Starter Mehmet Baris



    i checked the picture again and it’s nothing to do anything for cf7 forms, thats just an error.

    the problem maybe a crash with the googlapis inline scripts.

    but i think your cf7 scripts have a problem. becouse if you disable any cf7 scripts you will get that permalink error and the users who one to use your form directly goes to top of page and missed the forms notice.

    i am reccomending to deactivate and activate again the cf7 plugin.

    but first i am reccomending again you have to back up your forms html codes on your pc for any loss.

    I just did so but unfortunately, it didn’t change anything…
    Do you think it is a good idea to delete the plugin 4.8 and install the 4.7 instead? I already downloaded it. Will I lose the forms then or will they automatically reconnect?

    I just read the whole thread, such a shame they ruined up the thing like this. I’m still having the same error even though i’ve downgraded the plugin

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()

    Good thing is that mails are being sent and received properly, but it just not an option for me to left the form filled and the loading icon active.


    Thread Starter Mehmet Baris


    @hannawp hi again.

    i could not answered because my time zone is different a little bit :]

    i am writing step by step to rollback 4.7 updates safely

    1) backup your forms one by one “forms tab html etc. codes” on your pc (dont remove on admin page)
    2) backup your forms one by one “post tab html etc. codes or text” on your pc (if that complicated you can take some screenshot of them) (dont remove on admin page)
    3) backup your database maybe for any loss
    4) take notes your cf7 recaptcha keys if you are using it
    5) check again this 4 steps
    6) deactivate and delete the cf7(ver4.8) plugin via your admin plugin page
    7) copy zip files of cf7(ver4.7) on your ftp (on the plugin index) or add a plugin via your admin plugin page manualy
    8) install and activate the cf7(ver4.7)
    9) do not update again by mistake the cf7(ver4.7) to cf7(ver4.8) because will be there an update notice.
    10) check your forms on admin panel and versus that with your backup
    11) if there is no forms on your plugin page add your forms again from your backups
    12) try your forms on your website frontend page (contact page or etc.) working or not working etc.
    12) if everything is ok turn off the cf7 updates via your themes functions.php page with this codes

     function hannawp_disable_cf7_update( $value ) {
       if( isset( $value->response['contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php'] ) ) {        
          unset( $value->response['contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php'] );
        return $value;
    add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', 'hannawp_disable_cf7_update' );
    // Disable CF7 Plugin Updates code off 

    i think this way could be usefull.


    note: if you changed your cf7 language text via a plugin (like LocoTranslate etc.) or some one else program on your pc:
    Backup your language files too.

    its will be this index or the other one


    Thread Starter Mehmet Baris


    hi @davixe

    your problem is a different topic.

    i am reccomending two of things.

    first: create your own topic if the topic including a different issue

    seccond: server 504 error is about a hosting problem. try to contact your host provider. it could be about php max input time.

    Hi @gecedergi,
    thanks so much for your help, I downgraded to CF7 4.7 with the plugin WP Rollback because really, I’m afraid to mess up the page. I’m not a coder and this is really getting very complicated for me. Unfortunately, now that the old version of CF7 is there, it still doesn’t work. The only thing that changed is the error message I get in the Console. Exact same text but the numbers changed.
    I would now downgrade to WP 4.7.5. Would you recommend that too?

    Hi @gecergi,
    one quick update as you’ve been so helpful and I’m very thankful for that! I downgraded to WP 4.7.5 and CF7 4.7 successfully but still, no change. BUT, I found a workaround and the error that messed it up. It was some javascript of an accordion that the coder had put the three forms in originally. I deleted the accordion and created three subpages with one form each. Now it works!
    I’m afraid to upgrade back to 4.8 on WP and CF7 though. Will leave that to a day next week where I really have time for it to do it properly and not in between other jobs ??
    Thanks and all the best,

    Thread Starter Mehmet Baris


    hi @hannawp,

    i am glad to hear that.

    i have not any experience with wordpress 4.8 update yet. because i am still using ver4.7.5 on all of my wordpress websites. but i have tested cf7 ver4.8 on my wordpress ver4.7.5 with enabled rest api and it’s works fine. i think you don’t have to update the plugin if you have not any reason. cf7 ver4.7 works perfect.

    but if there is no a script crash and if the rest api enabled: cf7 ver4.8 works fine on wordpress ver.4.7.5 too.

    maybe you can make a test the cf7 ver4.8 on wordpress ver4.8 and feedback us the results. its maybe usefull for us. but i recommended to you backup all of website(with your database) before any plugin or wordpress core update :]

    have a nice work.

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