@hannawp hi again.
i could not answered because my time zone is different a little bit :]
i am writing step by step to rollback 4.7 updates safely
1) backup your forms one by one “forms tab html etc. codes” on your pc (dont remove on admin page)
2) backup your forms one by one “post tab html etc. codes or text” on your pc (if that complicated you can take some screenshot of them) (dont remove on admin page)
3) backup your database maybe for any loss
4) take notes your cf7 recaptcha keys if you are using it
5) check again this 4 steps
6) deactivate and delete the cf7(ver4.8) plugin via your admin plugin page
7) copy zip files of cf7(ver4.7) on your ftp (on the plugin index) or add a plugin via your admin plugin page manualy
8) install and activate the cf7(ver4.7)
9) do not update again by mistake the cf7(ver4.7) to cf7(ver4.8) because will be there an update notice.
10) check your forms on admin panel and versus that with your backup
11) if there is no forms on your plugin page add your forms again from your backups
12) try your forms on your website frontend page (contact page or etc.) working or not working etc.
12) if everything is ok turn off the cf7 updates via your themes functions.php page with this codes
function hannawp_disable_cf7_update( $value ) {
if( isset( $value->response['contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php'] ) ) {
unset( $value->response['contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php'] );
return $value;
add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', 'hannawp_disable_cf7_update' );
// Disable CF7 Plugin Updates code off
i think this way could be usefull.
note: if you changed your cf7 language text via a plugin (like LocoTranslate etc.) or some one else program on your pc:
Backup your language files too.
its will be this index or the other one