• Over the years I have tried all the main players in the backup and migration plugin arena and I thought I had it good, until a colleague convinced me to try WPVivid to address inconsistent results with my migration plugin – – NOW I have switched ALL sites to WPVivid for backup and migration needs.

    Full, DB, Custom-parts and/or Incremental backups at scheduled, triggered (auto BU upon activating a plugin update) or manual intervals AND many detailed settings to customize to your needs if you desire, but not required.

    +Standard migration as you would think, but without the need for an extra add-on for big sites.
    +Server-to-server capability.

    After 2+ years of having WPVivid on all my sites, I recently emailed their support department for the first time for help with an issue on a single site. They responded in less than 6 hours with a direct response to my question AND (as the best support teams do) was willing to log in to the site and have a look. I figured out the problem before needing them to log in and it was not an issue with WPVivid.

    WPVivid has joined my top ranking of a company with HIGH INTEGRITY and is a MUST HAVE in my stack.

    Love ya – Cheers ??

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by dougster123.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by dougster123.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by dougster123.
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  • Plugin Support nicholas2019


    Hello @dougster123 ,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. We really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us and glad you enjoyed WPvivid plugin.

    All the best.

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