
    Hi ,
    I am a photographer and chosed the “Core” theme for my website.
    Since I did one up-grade (that WordPress suggested to do) my website is not manageble any more .
    My website address https://www.tosi-photography.com and my WordPress version is 3.8.1 and my theme is “Core”.
    I can’t load photos , and i can’t attach them on a chosed gallery or page.
    I can’t manage my website anymore.
    Ihave turned off my plug ins and try the default theme but the problem persisted.
    Can you help me, Please
    Thank You, Tosi
    Sono un fotografo e da quando ho fatto l’ultimo up grade (Che mi è stato suggerito di fare dalla WordPress) la mia website non è più gestibile.
    L’indirizzo della mia website è https://www.tosi-photography.com e la versione wordpress che stó utilizzando è la 3.8.1 ed il tema è “Core”.
    Non riesco più a caricare le immagini sul sito ed non riesco ad attaccare niente alle “gallerie” che poi vanno a finire nelle varie pagine.
    Insomma sono tagliato fuori e non risponde più .
    I plugins sono disattivati ed anche con il teme di default non funziona.
    Il tema “Core” è a pagamento ma loro dicono che siete voi che avete creato il problema con il vostro upgrade e che quindi devo rivolgermi a voi.
    Se anche voi mi mandate da loro io rimango sempre qui senza che nessuno si prenda la responsabilità del problema e di come risolverlo.
    Avendo aperto questa discussione già una volta ma che poi è stata chiusa senza un motivo a me comprensibile , vi chiedo per favore non fatelo di nuovo.
    Per favore aiutatemi perchè al momento in cui ho fatto l’up grade stavo lavorandoe cambiando delle cose nella mia website e quindi ora come ora è mezza sottosopra con parti mancanti che non danno un’impressione molto professionale.
    Grazie mille, Tosi

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  • knoppys


    @jan no probs mate, still getting used to the forum rules, no doubt I’ll break more before I learn haha

    @tosi, perhaps you should check out your contact page, it seems your contact details are not on your site. You contact details could be “important” if someone was trying to contact you.

    Have you tried re installing the version of wordpress that you had before updating in the beginning. Try downloading an older version of wordpress and doing the same as before.

    Have you asked your web host if they can restore a backup from the day before you started having the problem.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Is there some one who can help me , please ?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    If you’re not satisfied with the support you’ve been given then consider hiring someone: https://jobs.wordpress.net

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi Knoppy,
    I know about my contact page but since I can’t manage my website I can’t do anything. . . .i have to say that now I can load photo on the media what really is the problem is the fact that I can’t attach a photo to a gallery which after I place on a page that will be part og the portfolio menu.
    Should I really go bak to the old version 3.4.1 ? . . . .and after go directly on the 3.8.1 ?

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Sorry Mr Nevis,
    I do not know where you lacated and maybe is a problem with the time zone but for 10 hours I did not get any more message from anybody so I just asked if there was someone on line to help. . . .can you? What a moderato do ?
    Do you help or you just supervise?
    In my situation with the answer I have been receiving what would you do ?



    a reply like ‘HALLO, Is there some one who can help me , please ?‘ is considered ‘bumping’ – i.e. an attempt to get attention without delivering real new information.
    this is actively discouraged in this forum.

    10 hours are not considered a long time to get a reply;
    think about what further information you could post that could help with resolving your issue, and allow several days to get a reply.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I will moderate the forums if it needs to be moderated. In future, even if you have to wait a long time, do not bump your thread. You posted, “Is there some one who can help me , please” and that is bumping your thread.

    Some threads on www.ads-software.com go unanswered for much longer than 10 hours and people just have to wait.

    You have already received support. If you do need urgent and constant support, and I assume you do as 10 hours seems too long to wait for you, then please consider hiring someone on the above website I recommended.

    In my situation with the answer I have been receiving what would you do ?

    I would hire someone to just do the work for me.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @tosiphotography Please be patient and I’ll reply to your problem in just a minute. Thanks for your patience and I’m sorry as I know your problem is a tough one for you.

    I’m sorry you’re having a hard time of it and if you haven’t done so you may want to take a good break from this and get relaxed. When something’s not working it’s easy to make mistakes. Boy do I know that.


    @jan no probs mate, still getting used to the forum rules, no doubt I’ll break more before I learn haha

    Welcome to the forums. You will bump into things and other people, don’t worry about it as your good intentions count for a lot. ??

    You contact details could be “important” if someone was trying to contact you.

    *Re-reads* Yeah. No really, stop. Just stop. If that’s the route you and the OP are going to take then this topic will get closed. Please don’t try to work around what I posted, see that link for the why that’s discouraged.

    Support Team Update for January 30th

    It’s the part labeled “Contacting people off forum”, you can’t miss it.

    Back to the topic

    @tosiphotography Before you proceed any further if you can I suggest you take a full backup of your site as it is now. That’s a safety net because if anything goes wrong and your site gets worse off then you can use that file and database backup to roll back to where you are now.


    Your host provider may be able to assist you. You want to make sure that you have a file and database backup stored off of your web server. It’s the best safety net there is.

    Once that’s done (and please reply back to this thread when it is) then give the link that Esmi shared a good read.


    Also check if your host has a good file and database backup from when your site was working. If they can (and after you have a current backup of all your files and database) then you may want to ask them if they can restore that file and database backup to when your site was working.

    It is important to upgrade but getting your site working is the priority. If that means you can go back to WordPress 3.4.1 and it works then (after a good relaxing break) you can try to upgrade again manually.

    Let us know how you make out with that new backup or restore of the old site. Please do consider making that new backup though (don’t erase any old ones).

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi and thank You to al moderators,
    Sorry if “I bumped may thred ” with that frase bat I am really for the first time on line and I am not use to the languages and time involved in a forum.
    Dear Jan Dembowski thak You especilly, for five me something to work on.
    I’ll try to do what you have suggested hoping to fix the problem but I do not know how much time it would take me since I need to ask my web host and wait for their answer .
    Is my post staying active till I am trying to do all these things even if will take days ?
    Thank You . Tosi

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I’ll try to do what you have suggested hoping to fix the problem but I do not know how much time it would take me since I need to ask my web host and wait for their answer .

    It’s the sad thing about hosting and you are often at their mercy for support. Your host isn’t responsible for your installation but if they can put it back to a working state then I suggest you go that way.

    Give those links a read and please feel free to ask questions if you get stuck. Take it slowly, this may take time but once your site it working you’ll be glad. ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Everybody calm down and breathe a moment. ??

    @tosiphotography: Your site is not running WordPress 3.4. Your site is indeed running WordPress 3.8.1.

    When I go to https://www.tosi-photography.com/ and look at it, it looks pretty much okay to me. No real problems.

    First, you need to go to https://www.tosi-photography.com/wp-admin and login normally.

    Next, you need to think about what exactly it is that you want to do but which are having problems doing. Then you need to describe to us what that is, what you’re trying (step by step) and what the result is.

    In all of this thread, the only problem I’ve seen you talk about is:
    – “can’t load photos”
    – “can’t attach them on a chosed gallery or page”
    – “can’t manage my website anymore”

    The problem is, nowhere do you explain what any of these actually mean. In order for somebody to give you meaningful help, they need to know what you’re trying to do, what the result is, and what you’re expecting the result to be.

    Nobody can answer your questions without understanding the problem first.



    Agreed, explain your problems step by step, click by click.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    My problem is this,
    As I have explained I can’t attach anymore a photo on a specific gallery which after should be linked to a page that will appear on the portfolio menu in my website.
    For instance, when you go on my portfolio in my website there are several pages with different subjects like : “Fasion, Editorial, Advertising Campain” and so on. Each of these can have sub pages , ex “Travel ” has “India. Marocco, Istambul and Santorini ” and each one of these can have other subpages Like under “India” I have “Varanasi/Benares , Both Gaya” and so on until when you open Both Gaya and finally you can see the photos . Well my problem is that I can not attach the photo I have up loaded on the media to a specific gallery (like Both Gaya) which after I should link to the page “Both Gaya” and so untill this problem it is solved I will not have a new photo there if i want it.
    Hope that this explain my problem. By the way this is” the problem” I think I have but maybe there are more that I can not see because I can not attach anything on a gallery or page and so I can’t manage at all my web site.
    Hope I have clarify my situation in a way that it is comprehensible because my mother language it’s Italian .
    Thank You , Tosi



    @esmi @otto @jan

    Just curious, but i may be wrong. Were there some changes made to the wordpress media functionality in 3.8.1. I remember having to change the way we uploaded multiple images as attachments to posts. I dont suppose TOSI’s problem is that hes simply doing it wrong rrather than something is broken.

    Can i ask what plugins your using in your site?
    Log into your admin, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
    List them here for us, we can check to see if there are any reported incompatibilities between them and WP3.8.1.

    Well get here in the end!!!

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    1) My plugins are all disabled
    List Plugins :
    Google Analytics,
    Hello Dlly,
    Jetpack by WordPress,
    Mantenance Mode, Polylang,
    Wow Slider
    2 )I have just done the up grade to the 3.8.1 versions 2 days ago (not Working correctly)
    3) Till then I vas on the 3.4.2 version (not Working correctly)
    4) The last working version was the 3.4.1
    5) In the last 2 different version I have the same problem
    The problem on My website it isn’t visible when you visit the site because everything seams to work correctry . . . .the only thing is tha when you want to work on it you realize that it is frosen in time because you can’t work on it anymore . You can’t manage any change you want to make.
    Hope this explain better my situation . . . .I do not know how to explain it in a better way.
    Best regards, Tosi

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