Hi @paok1926,
That is a strange one, we should definitely get to the cause of this, have not seen anything like that happen in any of our testing.
I can confirm your shift times are all there and being retrieved fine, but it could be possibly related to something in the time calculation for the hour start and end in each table cell, though again that is working fine elsewhere…
If you can replace the file /wp-content/plugins/radio-station/templates/master-schedule-table.php
with this copy from the develop branch, I have uncommented some debug lines that will help me check whether that is the cause:
Also note for future reference the format for shortcodes is [master-schedule show_image="1" show_djs="1" view="table"]
but you don’t need the view=”table” as that is the default anyway.
As is seems to relate to the hours in the table, I’d suggest you could adding the tabbed view shortcode to the page in the meanwhile also.