• hi today i updated wassup to it latest version after updating to its latest version the log details are showing url structure as “?wscr=1024×768” something like /tata-docomo-comes-with-vas/6640/?wscr=1024×768

    like 2009-09-03 18:12:43
    Referrer: https://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=tata+gsm&meta=&aq=f&oq=

    * User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

    * SEARCH ENGINE: Google IN (page: 1)
    * KEYWORDS: tata gsm

    * us OS: WinXP
    * BROWSER: IE 6
    * RESOLUTION: 1024×768

    * 18:09:27 ->/tata-docomo-gsm-tariff-plan/5745/
    * 18:10:12 ->/tata-docomo-gsm-tariff-plan/5745/?wscr=1024×768
    * 18:11:42 ->/tata-docomo-postpaid-plan-in-details/6168/
    * 18:12:25 ->/tata-docomo-postpaid-plan-in-details/6168/?wscr=1024×768
    * 18:12:43 ->/tata-docomo-madhyapradesh-chhattisgarh-prepaid-tariff/7674/

    im wondering why ” wscr=1024×768 ” is shown at the end of url structure all this started to happen after updating the latest version of wassup


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  • Hi

    this is the reason:

    7) Updated visitor screen resolution cookie and query parameter, ‘wscr’,
    and added a javascript timer and function to automatically reload the
    current page when a visitor has been online for 40 seconds so that
    both cookie and ‘wscr’ can be seen and recorded by

    I’m looking for a fix too, the ‘wscr’ parameter is annoying

    I had the same problem. I don’t know if its completely safe to do, but I just deleted lines 293-316 in wassup.php (the lines that actually reload the page), and it worked for me.

    btw I’m not really fond of plugins that force reloads!

    I’ll try the same workaround. If anything goes wrong I guess I’ll just rollback to version 1.7.1

    Thread Starter taruntanu


    Im using the old version now ,wscr parameter is annoying hope

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