• Resolved topfgartenwelt


    Hi Spacetime, unfortunately I have again a problem with CLS. It was really really hard to find. I throtteled the speed down in Chrome DevTools to a very, very slow connection so that you can see loading of the page in slow motion and this happens:

    AdInserter should load a placeholder with 350px in height after the first paragraph but on the load this placeholder is missing: https://imgur.com/a/rfrbJos
    and shifts the index and the content down: https://imgur.com/a/uDNc1Tx –> https://imgur.com/a/MkUeDDg

    How can I avoid that shift?

    Greetings Kathrin

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Spacetime


    Plugin Author Spacetime



    Without remote debugging we can’t check plugin settings.

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    Thank you very much for your reply, unfortunately I couldn’t answer earlier. I have activated AdInserter on my test-blog https://b96n967.myraidbox.de/gute-ernte-bei-blauer-truffelkartoffel and activated also remote debugging.

    Greetings Kathrin

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    I can’t reproduce any issue.

    The placeholer for block 1 before the javascript code runs (pure HTML server code) is 300 px heigh – you can also check the source code:

    The loaded block loaded by the javascriptt code is also 300 px heigh:

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    Thanks for your reply. Yes the code has always the right size, but it is inserted later as the rest of the content as you can see on my images…

    Greetings Kathrin

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    But there is no layout shift.

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    I tested the Layout at Speed 100/25/125 (really really slow) because I couldn’t find Out why the <p> Element which is following the div wrapper for the ads Always was showing a Layout Shift. At the slow Speed it showed that at First the Text was loaded and than the placeholder for the ad is inserted. It’s Just a flush, but it’s here ?? Isn’t that a layout Shift?

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    No clue how this test is performed.
    If javascript code processing is paused or stopped then some elements may not be displayed properly. This may cause temporary shift of some elements.

    But this is then artifical test which has nothing to do with actual page loading in real browsers.
    In normal cicumstances I see no way any visible shift can happen because of block 1.
    All the divs have height defined.

    Anyway, will try to figure out how the test is performed.

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    The test was performed in Chrome Dev Tools

    Network: throtteling down to speed 100 kb/s download, 25 kb/s upload and 150 ms latency

    under performance start a new loading sequence and see the filmstrip

    How do you measure the CLS?

    Greetings Kathrin

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    I check the height of all the inserted blocks – it should not change.

    However, it seems I found what might be causing the shift.
    If the browser refreshes the page when the insertion code is running, then there might be a very short period when the block is not inserted yet and the placeholder is hidden.

    Please try this version:

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    Thank you very much! But why the browser is refreshing during loading. I have a real strange CLS failure on my site at all which seems also to be in connection the site is reloading again ??

    Greetings Kathrin

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    This is normal otehrwise you would see the page after few seconds when everything is loaded.

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    Does the latest version work?

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    Thanks for asking. Unfornately I have a really great problem with CLS on my site at all. Since today I know that my whole layout is shifting around (the main container) and so I had no time to try it out. I wil do it tomorrow and will report you.

    Greetings Kathrin

    Thread Starter topfgartenwelt


    It seems that the CLS is gone now. There is no shift between the ad container and the index anymore. How did you do it?

    Thank you very much! So great!

    Greetings Kathrin

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