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  • Anonymous User 7698158


    I just looked at the page and do not see any issue. Can you send me a screenshot of where the issue is.

    Anonymous User 7698158


    Hi – go a few more questions: Are you using WP listings or AgentPress listings? And are you using the current version of my plugin? 1.0.0 ? An issue was corrected with the latest update regarding formatting issues with the WP Listing plugin.

    Thread Starter kfcurley


    I’m using WordPress 4.4. You don’t see a problem? I’m using AgentPress Listings. Take a look again. My client really likes the Agent Profiles Extended look and feel for his agents. But, I need the listing pages to look the way it was intended.

    Anonymous User 7698158


    What version of the plugin?

    Thread Starter kfcurley


    I just downloaded it today.

    Anonymous User 7698158


    Can you please deactivate the Genesis Agent Profiles Extended plugin but leave the Genesis Agent Profiles plugin active? Post here, so I can view the page again. Thank you.

    Thread Starter kfcurley


    Here you go. I deactivated the Extended Plugin.

    Anonymous User 7698158


    I am not seeing any difference…. on the listing page or the our-agents page.

    Thread Starter kfcurley


    Jackie, there are clear differences in what I’m seeing. Can you please look at the screenshots that I have provided along with each description and see how the plugins are changing my theme presentation?

    Here is what I see:

    “Our Agents” Without Extended:

    “Our Agents With Extended [this is what we like]:

    Listing pages with agent profile plugins activated [not good]:

    Listing pages w/o agent profile plugins activated [very good]:

    Anonymous User 7698158


    Thank you. Is the 3rd link with both the Genesis Agent Profiles plugin and the Extended plugin active – or just the Genesis Agent Profiles plugin active WITHOUT the Extended active?

    Anonymous User 7698158


    I would like to see a screen shot of that link with just the Agent Profiles plugin activated without activating the Extended plugin.

    Thread Starter kfcurley


    It’s the same as the 3rd link. The only thing that changed when I added the extended plugin was that the “our agents” page looked 100% better. The listing pages didn’t change at all.

    Anonymous User 7698158


    Ok, so the Extended plugin has no effect on the listings page at all? If that is the case, then the issue is with the Genesis Agent Profiles plugin. That plugin is from Agent Evolution, not me.

    My plugin just extends theirs to format the our agents page and individual agents page.

    Thread Starter kfcurley


    Thanks. Hopefully they can fix this. Any thoughts on why it would break?

    Anonymous User 7698158


    No. They have not updated the code in a long time (2 yrs). They now have their own framework called Equity, so I do not know if they will be making anymore updates to the Genesis version. Since my plugin requires theirs, I think the future is questionable for my plugin as well. Someone in the Genesis community will need to adopt theirs or we would need to combine them into one plugin (makes more sense to do that). The challenge is it will need to work with both the WP Listings Plugin (Generic WordPress) and the AgentPress listings plugin (Genesis only).


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