Hi, webnetimages!
Listing the features taxonomy last in the search widget isn’t currently possible without editing the plugin, unfortunately.
Some quick warnings about editing plugins:
- It’s important to back up your site in full before editing plugins in this way.
- Future updates to the plugin will overwrite the changes you make.
If you still want to place the Features drop-down at the end of the search widget, follow these steps:
1. Edit the file at wp-content/plugins/agentpress-listings/includes/class-taxonomies.php
in a text editor on your desktop.
2. Change this code at the end:
function get_taxonomies() {
return array_merge( $this->property_features_taxonomy(), (array) get_option( $this->settings_field ) );
To look like this:
function get_taxonomies() {
return array_merge( (array) get_option( $this->settings_field ), $this->property_features_taxonomy() );
If you’re not comfortable editing plugin code or don’t want to have to make this change each time the plugin updates, it would be simplest to leave the Features drop-down where it is for now.