• Hello Guys,

    My name is Raice, and I’m writing for the first time in this forum. Usually I prefer to browse through the forums and google rather than creating a thread. This issue looks unique.

    I recently came across an issue that I believe someone from this forum can help.

    I have noticed that there are more than 100 pages ending with the word “aggregate” that have been created automatically on my website, resulting in a 404 page not found error. I discovered these links from the Google Search Console, and I’m not sure why this has happened.

    About a month ago, I redirected all the 404 pages on my website. However, these new links have been created recently, and I’m not sure why. Could it be related to the JavaScript delay feature that I started using with the WP Rocket plugin? I am reluctant to disable this feature because it has significantly improved the performance of my website, and I have spent countless hours to make it work properly.

    My main concern is how these newly created pages will affect my SEO. Can you please advise me on what steps I should take to resolve this issue and ensure that my website’s SEO is not negatively impacted?

    Thank you for your assistance in advance. I look forward to hearing from someone helpful soon.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by raicemongeorge. Reason: added image

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    See if you can determine through Search Console what the referring pages are with any of these links. Hover over one of the example URLs and pick the Inspect URL icon. If any referring pages are listed, go to that page and view its source HTML. Search for the offending link fragments. The surrounding context might give you a clue about the cause.

    As a wild guess, the odd URL fragments tagged onto otherwise legitimate URLs sound like something a development or debugger tool would tag on with. If you have any such tools active, they do not belong on a production site.

    Hi raicemongeorge, I have the same problem in one of my sites. Since when have these pages /aggregated/ been detected in Search Console? From the first days of February 2023? I believe New Relic is causing it – is the server hosting the domain Cloudways? Have you noticed traffic drops? Sorry for my bad English.

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