I’m so sorry I didn’t provide all the correct information. Here is the rest of the detail: I have a Multisite Network with 8 (to become 10) individual sites which are supposed to act as one big site (the use of separate sites lets me do things like let users upload photos to one forum but not others, and have multiple “main” blogs).
I used the Theme-My-Login plugin to, well, theme my login and registration pages. I used the “Network Activate” selection to activate it across all sites. After I installed TML, however, I found it did not “cross state (site) lines” and people would have to register 10 times to see the entire site. I modified this by adding another plugin called “Multisite User Management” which corrected that problem; users can now sign in on any site and be signed in to all sites.
(Interestingly, I am also using FunCaptcha on my registration page. It would neither (a) cross site lines nor (b) let me activate it on all sites. After I installed the Multisite user plugin, it activated across all sites — even though it says it didn’t. The guys at FunCaptcha says that’s strange, but, hey, if it works . . .)
I nest tried to add “Agreeable.” I attempted to add it both through the “Network Activate” selection, then by activating it on one site. I did not get a box either way. I left that, posted a message here, and continued on with my login.
I then added “Facebook All” plugin to give my users an option to register or sign in through Facebook. This plugin was able to find my “Register” and add the appropriate button.
Frankly, if I knew more about how to hack code, I would go into the “Facebook All” plugin and see how it finds the right page and adds the button, then substitute that for the code in Agreeable. I’m afraid, though, that my house will catch on fire if I do that.
Any and all help and / or suggestions are welcome.
Again, thank you in advance for your assistance.