• I have recently been having trouble when adding new media from within a post (when it was a media upload.) Settled down to try and figure out why tonight, and during standard troubleshooting stuff, found that the All in One Event calendar plugin seems to be causing this issue (or at least, the issue goes away when the plugin is disabled.)

    I have also been sporadically receiving the following warnings:
    Warning: Attempt to modify property of non-object in /home/mysite/public_htmI/wp~content/plugins/all-in-one-event-caIendar/all-in-one-event-caIendar.php on line 85

    Warning: array_searcho expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/mysite/public_htmI/wp~content/plugins/all-in-one-event-caIendar/all-in-one-event-caIendar.php on line 86
    Warning: Attempt to modify property of non-object in /home/mysite/public_htmI/wp~content/plugins/all-in-one-event-caIendar/all-in-one-event-caIendar.php on line 86

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreacho in /home/bragpublic_html/wgincludes/updatephp on line 275

    I am not sure if the two issues are related, but I would love some help resolving both.


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  • I basically just commented out the code in the all-in-one-event-calendar.php file where this seems to be causing the problem and things seem to be working just fine for me:

    From this:

    // ================================================
    // = Disable updates checking for premium version =
    // ================================================
     function ai1ec_disable_updates( $r, $url ) {
    	if ( 0 !== strpos( $url, 'https://api.www.ads-software.com/plugins/update-check' ) )
    		return $r; // Not a plugin update request.
    	$plugins = unserialize( $r['body']['plugins'] );
    	unset( $plugins->plugins[ plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ] );
    	unset( $plugins->active[ array_search( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), $plugins->active ) ] );
    	$r['body']['plugins'] = serialize( $plugins );
    	return $r;
    add_filter( 'http_request_args', 'ai1ec_disable_updates', 5, 2 );
    To this:
    // ================================================
    // = Disable updates checking for premium version =
    // ================================================
    // function ai1ec_disable_updates( $r, $url ) {
    //	if ( 0 !== strpos( $url, 'https://api.www.ads-software.com/plugins/update-check' ) )
    //		return $r; // Not a plugin update request.
    //	$plugins = unserialize( $r['body']['plugins'] );
    //	unset( $plugins->plugins[ plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ] );
    //	unset( $plugins->active[ array_search( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), $plugins->active ) ] );
    //	$r['body']['plugins'] = serialize( $plugins );
    //	return $r;
    //add_filter( 'http_request_args', 'ai1ec_disable_updates', 5, 2 );

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter MegT


    Thanks for the idea- commented it all out and agree it caused no problems, but media uploader still shows error for every attempted upload (but then when I go back in, shows uploaded file.)

    This code has been changed in a later version, but the problem remains not completely solved. the problem I get is with line 160:

    unset( $plugins->active[ array_search( $basename, $plugins->active ) ] );

    This is the error I get:

    Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, object given in /***/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/all-in-one-event-calendar.php on line 160

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /***/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/all-in-one-event-calendar.php on line 160

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