Hi, thank you for the answer, so clear. I thought working with thew button only will cover half the work because the option to ajax when any of the filters is changed(without button) is not covered, so this is what i have done in case anyone needs it is the following.
In document ready:
// Wp Ultimate Search Filter Plugin
if($('.uwpqsf_submit').length > 0){
$('#uwpqsf_id').on('click','.uwpqsf_submit',mimo_after_search_ajax );
} else {
$('#uwpqsf_id form').find('input, textarea, button, select').change(mimo_after_search_ajax);
$('.uwpqsfpagi').on('click','a',mimo_after_search_ajax );
So here i observ if any of the filters is changed(as in your code) and if the button is clicked. then i fire the function mimo_after_search_ajax where i hide my masonry layout and bind another function to the ajax success:
function mimo_after_search_ajax(){
$('.mimo-masonry').css({'visibility': 'hidden'}).before('<i class="mimo-loader fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
$('body').on('ajaxSuccess', mimo_update_ajax);
And finally the last function mimo_update_ajax, i need to wait a bit to the ajax success and the fire the re-layout with the setTimeout function:
// Wp Ultimate Search Filter Plugin
function mimo_update_ajax(){
$('.mimo-masonry').imagesLoaded(function() {
itemSelector: '.card'
itemSelector: '.card'
}).masonry('layout').css({'visibility': 'visible'});
$('.mimo-page-nav .container').empty();
$('.uwpqsfpagi').appendTo('.mimo-page-nav .container');
}, 2000);
What is included in the functions is not important, this mode can be used to do whatever you need to do after the ajax success.
what do you think?
In my opinion, it would be better to include in the plugin a jquery callback after ajax success and layout, so in case user needs to do something or fire any function, don’t you think?
Best Regards and thank you for the support.