• Resolved Thomas


    Does anybody in here have experience with nextgen gallery and ajax driven websites?

    I see that there are settings (galleries.gallery_NUMBER_OF_GALLERY) and other scripts for the choosen gallery loaded, if there is a gallery to display. With the default theme of wordpress this works. But with my ajax driven approach, I am loading just the wordpress page, without wp_header and wp_header (these are called only once in index.php)…and so my gallery is not displayed.

    Is this enought details to understand what my problem is?

    Thanks in advance for any replay are sharing experience with me!

    Best, Thomas


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @thomas – The wp_header (and wp_footer) calls are essentially required for most any theme and NextGEN Gallery is expecting them to work correctly.

    You may need to re-visit your approach to ensure those to calls are being made on every page load.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Thomas


    @cais: Thx!

    Your are totally right, I have to go over my approach again!

    Btw: Do you have any experience with ajax driven websites with wordpress or do you know a good blog/tutortial where this approach is explained?

    Best, Thomas

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @thomas – I do not have anything like that at my fingertips but I would imagine you would find quite a few results under a search for “WordPress Ajax Driven Websites” (I did).

    Best of luck with the project!

    – Cais.

    PS: As @cais, you might consider submitting it to the WordPress Theme repository as well, I don’t recall seeing many similar ideas recently submitted. EAC.

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