The same condition is in function wpcf7cf_enqueue_scripts(WPCF7_ContactForm $cf7form) {
When I remove it and add <?php echo wp_footer(); ?>
in my ajax view – it’s working without modifying JS, but.. for multiple forms load it’s not working beacourse You use not unique ID for options $wpcf7cf_global_count
(inline JS before body end tag).
It would be better to set options in data- attribute in form 7 tag (<form .. data-cf7-cf="..{"form_id":"410","unit_tag":"wpcf7-f410-o1","conditions":[{"if_field..." ...>
, and in JS do $(‘form’).each(… to get and set data…
or after form tag in some span element, like:
<form ...> ... </form><span data-cf7-cf="..{"form_id":"410","unit_tag":"wpcf7-f410-o1","conditions":[{"if_field..."></span>
and in JS do $(‘form’).each(… $(this).next().data(‘cf7-cf’) …to get and set data…