• Resolved ispreview


    Anybody else finding comment checking by Akismet is super slow for the past few hours and their web server failing to check new comments. I tried to load the https://rest.akismet.com/1.1/comment-check URL myself and get an internal server error (500) from them, so think they’re down. This slows down new comment posting.

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  • I get an ‘Unable to connect’ message on the Akismet settings page for all my sites that use it.


    Thread Starter ispreview


    Same and it’s not just on WordPress, but other systems that use it too. Impacting registrations, comments, forum posts etc. The domain itself ‘rest.akismet.com’ seems fine, but it’s the actual system on top of it that seems to be failing.

    Plugin Author bluefuton


    Thanks for reporting this and sorry to hear you’ve had difficulty connecting to Akismet.

    The comment-check endpoint currently accepts requests via POST only, so accessing the endpoint via GET (for example in your browser) will always return an error. Admittedly this could return a more descriptive status code than 500, so we’ll look into improving that.

    The server status is looking good at the moment and I’m not seeing any issues connecting from our test sites. Please let us know if you continue to experience connection difficulties and we’ll investigate further for you.

    Just to say it was your own software that was reporting the issue. It does seem to be fixed now, though.


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