• Resolved slickremix



    What’s up, I messaged you on fb last week with this but maybe i’m blocked or something! This is Spencer from SlickRemix, my brother Justin and I created Feed Them Social some years back. Funny how throughout the years we’ve found so many people using your plugin along with ours, and we’re in the same facebook developer threads when things are buggy.

    Anyway someone brought to our attention that when using a mobile device our Album Covers View on Facebook Link was taking him to a broken page on Facebook. Turns out Facebook is reformatting the url for mobile and that was the reason.
    This desktop link
    Turns into this on mobile

    After taking a look at your example and noticing the link was broken as well I thought I would share how we resolved the problem so you can fix yours too if you like. Taking our original $FBlink link we just did some simple parsing.

    $url_parsed = parse_url($FBlink, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    parse_str($url_parsed, $params);
    $new_album_url = str_replace(‘album.php?fbid=’.$params[‘fbid’].’&id=’.$params[‘id’].’&aid=’.$params[‘aid’],’media/set/?set=a.’.$params[‘fbid’].’.’.$params[‘aid’].’.’.$params[‘id’], $FBlink);

    All the best!


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  • Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey Spencer!

    Good to hear from you ?? I’ve noticed your plugin around too and it looks pretty awesome! I love how you guys combine several social media platforms into one plugin and also have our same philosophy on providing quality support. I’m not sure why you weren’t able to get in touch via Facebook. I checked both the Smash Balloon and my personal inbox but couldn’t find a message. I’m not sure if you have to like the page before you can send a message that way but sorry if it seemed like you were blocked!

    Thanks for the album link bug fix. We hadn’t had that issue reported yet but I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of time so I’ll get it fixed ASAP. We should connect on Facebook or via email as it would be good to keep in touch and share fixes, API change issues, or even collaborate on something sometime.

    Thanks again, and hope you’re having a good week!


    Thread Starter slickremix



    Ah the dreaded no click notify button on .org. I know you’re master of support too so I was surprised not to hear back so I decided to check back on this post.. Good to hear back from you and thanks for the compliment! And yes that was issue on facebook IM to, not clicking like button on your page. For sure let’s hook up on fb. Always good to know fellow developers in the same field. Have a good one! https://www.facebook.com/spencer.labadie


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