Album : No images were found when you click on the gallery
the issue is :– When I create a new gallery and I try to link it to an album, the thumbail of the gallery shows in my album page, but when I click on it, I have the following message “No images were found”.
– I added photos to galleries and galleries to albums, just as I did before last update of NextGen Galery
– The gallery is working fine, for example I can create an article and if I include the gallery with the following code :
the gallery shows with no pb.– There are 7 galleries in the album and I’m using the free version of nextgen gallery 2.1.2
– Only 2 galleries have an issue, the older one in the same album are all ok and shows perfectly
– here are the settings of my server (sorry for the french, but all of this is technical and can be understood easily I guess, if needed, I can translate) :
Système d’Opération : Linux (32 Bit)
Serveur : Apache
Utilisation de la mémoire : 7.09MOctets
Version MySQL : 5.5.43-0+deb7u1-log
Mode SQL : Non renseigné
Version du PHP : 5.5.22
Safe-mode PHP : Off
Support du fopen pour les URL par PHP : On
Taille maximale de la mémoire dans PHP : 512
Taille maximale de téléchargement montant dans PHP : 64M
Taille maximale des données d’un POST dans PHP : 64M
Limite de récursivité pour la librairie PCRE : 1000000
Durée maximale d’exécution d’un script PHP : 300s
Support des données Exif par PHP : Oui ( V1.4 )
Support du format IPTC par PHP : Oui
Support du XML dans PHP : OuiLibrairie Graphique
GD Version : bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
FreeType Support : Oui
FreeType Linkage : with freetype
T1Lib Support : Oui
GIF Read Support : Oui
GIF Create Support : Oui
JPEG Support : Oui
PNG Support : Oui
WBMP Support : Oui
XPM Support : Oui
XBM Support : Oui
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : NonIn Nextgen Gallery :
1694 Images
33 Galleries
9 AlbumsThe short code I use :
[album id=10 template=compact]
The extensions I use are :
– jQuery Archive List Widget
– Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions
– WP-Obfuscator (This extension obfuscate your wp-config.php file to make it unreadable by a hacker. Please, save your wp-config.php file before to obfuscate it.) I tried to desactivate it, but it changed nothing.
– WPtouch Mobile PluginWhat I tried with no success:
– I changed the PhP version (4, 5.4, 5.5)
– I tried to create a new album and put the defective galleries into it
– I tried to deactivate Wp-Obfuscator pluginI hope I have provided all the information needed to understand and solve the issue.
Thanks for reading
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