• Resolved Lotham


    the issue is :

    When I create a new gallery and I try to link it to an album, the thumbail of the gallery shows in my album page, but when I click on it, I have the following message “No images were found”.

    – I added photos to galleries and galleries to albums, just as I did before last update of NextGen Galery

    The gallery is working fine, for example I can create an article and if I include the gallery with the following code : [gallery=35] the gallery shows with no pb.

    – There are 7 galleries in the album and I’m using the free version of nextgen gallery 2.1.2

    – Only 2 galleries have an issue, the older one in the same album are all ok and shows perfectly

    here are the settings of my server (sorry for the french, but all of this is technical and can be understood easily I guess, if needed, I can translate) :

    Système d’Opération : Linux (32 Bit)
    Serveur : Apache
    Utilisation de la mémoire : 7.09MOctets
    Version MySQL : 5.5.43-0+deb7u1-log
    Mode SQL : Non renseigné
    Version du PHP : 5.5.22
    Safe-mode PHP : Off
    Support du fopen pour les URL par PHP : On
    Taille maximale de la mémoire dans PHP : 512
    Taille maximale de téléchargement montant dans PHP : 64M
    Taille maximale des données d’un POST dans PHP : 64M
    Limite de récursivité pour la librairie PCRE : 1000000
    Durée maximale d’exécution d’un script PHP : 300s
    Support des données Exif par PHP : Oui ( V1.4 )
    Support du format IPTC par PHP : Oui
    Support du XML dans PHP : Oui

    Librairie Graphique

    GD Version : bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    FreeType Support : Oui
    FreeType Linkage : with freetype
    T1Lib Support : Oui
    GIF Read Support : Oui
    GIF Create Support : Oui
    JPEG Support : Oui
    PNG Support : Oui
    WBMP Support : Oui
    XPM Support : Oui
    XBM Support : Oui
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : Non

    In Nextgen Gallery :
    1694 Images
    33 Galleries
    9 Albums

    The short code I use :
    [album id=10 template=compact]

    The extensions I use are :
    – jQuery Archive List Widget
    – Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions
    – WP-Obfuscator (This extension obfuscate your wp-config.php file to make it unreadable by a hacker. Please, save your wp-config.php file before to obfuscate it.) I tried to desactivate it, but it changed nothing.
    – WPtouch Mobile Plugin

    What I tried with no success:
    – I changed the PhP version (4, 5.4, 5.5)
    – I tried to create a new album and put the defective galleries into it
    – I tried to deactivate Wp-Obfuscator plugin

    I hope I have provided all the information needed to understand and solve the issue.

    Thanks for reading


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @lotham – Do you see the same issues if you use the IGW (“green button”) in the TinyMCE editor’s visual tab to insert (and create as needed) the album(s)?

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Lotham


    thank you so much for your prompt a friendly answer.

    I just tested to modify my page “Albums 2015” to insert the album using the green button and visual edit.
    When I witch to texte the code is now :
    <img class="ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem" src="https://mywebsite.fr/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id--6133" alt="" data-mce-placeholder="1" />

    The album show all gallery well, but when I click on the 2 galleries which has an issue, the issue is still there : “No images where found” :’~(

    if you need the exact url to see the website you con contact me by email (the website is about my daughter and I don’t want to publish the url) : lotham at lockon.fr

    Once again, thank you very much for your reply.

    – Lotham.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @lotham – If you are not comfortable in this public forum, please send us a Bug Report (https://nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ … please reference this topic) so we can get a better look under the page at your site.

    We may need temporary log in (and FTP) credentials for your WordPress installation, please consider those for your Bug Report, too.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Lotham


    Thank to the NEXTGEN GALLERY team, my issue is solved.
    It comes from the french version of my WordPress. I switch the whole WP to english as suggested by the team and everything works fine now.

    Thank you so much to the whole NEXTGEN GALLERY team with all my gratitude

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @lotham – Thanks for the follow-up!

    – Cais.

    Please help me also, I have the same problem. Not sure what to do.

    I switched my language to Croatian, maybe that caused the problem? I now switched back to EN, but no success.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @keano16 – Please start your own topic so we can try to help you with your specific issue on your specific site.

    See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Welcome#Where_To_Post


    – Cais.

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