• I have the following issue: I have around 75 albums with ~20 pictures each. After switching to version 2.0.0, the latest ~15 albums did not show the album preview thumbnail (I link albums in extended view). It does not play a role where/on which page I link the albums. I tried to reset both, picture thumbnails and album preview thumbnails, but it did not change.

    Might be worth to mention: In version 1.9.13 (and earlier versions) I already had the known “Exceed Memory Limit”-error which needed me to uncomment “// @ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ‘128M’)” in /plugins/nextgen-gallery/lib/gd.thumbnail.inc.php. So it might be the fact that this is also a memory issue?

    Thanks for help. Rest is running fine and 2.0.0 seems to be a great step for NextGen.

    Further information:
    – WordPress up to date? – YES
    – NextGEN up to date? – YES
    – What version of NextGEN Gallery did you upgrade from? (i.e. I had 1.9.8, then upgraded to 1.9.12) FROM 1.9.13 to 2.0.0

    (please confirm the following, with your server host tech) :
    – MySQL up to date (at least 5.2.4)? –> NO: 5.1.66
    – PHP up to date (at least 5.0)? –> YES: 5.2.12
    – The mod_rewrite Apache module activated? –> YES
    – PHP Safe Mode OFF? –> YES

    Additional information that will help us find a solution:
    – Who are you hosted with? –> all-inkl.de
    – What theme are you running? –> Twenty Twelve
    – Which plugins do you have installed and activated? –>

    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Login Logo
    NextGEN Gallery
    Password Protected
    Photoswipe for NextGEN Gallery
    Responsive Video Embeds
    Suchen & Ersetzen
    Video List Manager
    Video Thumbnails
    WP Gallery Custom Links

    – Does this error still occur if you switch your theme to the WP default, and deactivate all plugins except NextGEN Gallery? NOT TESTET


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