• I’ve tried installing the plugin, but I can’t seem to get past a javascript error:

    Error: akst_share is not defined
    Source File: javascript:void(akst_share(’22’));
    Line: 1

    Prototype is where it should be…however, I don’t think the plugin is injecting the proper head statements to make the plugin work.

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  • Hi, new problem, I added the post_Id to the theme and get the following error using Firefox 2 on Mac OSX:

    Error: $("akst_delicious") has no properties
    Source File: https://test.richard5.net/wp-content/plugins/share-this/share-this.php?akst_action=js
    Line: 8

    You can see it in action on my development blog: test.richard5.net

    Don’t quite understand the why yet…

    Richard5 – see the README, you may need to add the wp_footer call to your theme. This is also noted in my previous post.

    Alex, thanks for pointing out this very silly mistake !
    It now works perfectly and will install it on my production site. Thanks !

    Alex, great plugin!

    I had the same problem, but Luc up there helped me out. Now it all works fine except for the ‘Digg’ submit button which send the URL like this ‘http%3A%2F%2Fwww’ instead of like this ‘https://www’

    Anyone else come across this?


    The “document moved here” seems related to the plug in status inside WP install.

    I tried with a test php page containing the email lines ending by the header command, and it works

    inside the plug in the server retruns a 200K document moved, I failed to find why.

    Unfortunately, even after following lstelie’s hints, the plugin doesn’t work for me.

    I got a wp_head() and wp_footer() call and disabled every single plugin (except akismet). Even with the default theme it’s not working.

    I also tried changing the AKST_ADDTOCONTENT and AKST_ADDTOFOOTER from “true” to “false”.

    My Blog is at https://www.marsmenschen.com/blog/
    user/pass htaccess: wordpress/baustelle

    Could anyone please have a look?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS.: At least “send via email” works for me ??


    Have a lok at the code your wp produces.

    You have twice post-id

    for example :

    <div class="post" id="post-53">
    <h2 id="post-53">

    In your template delete the id (or change its name) in <div class="post"

    Javascript is confused by these two id (and by the way I think it’s not standard)

    Hope this helps

    Hello again ??

    Thanks for your advice, but still no luck for me.

    I changed the the source:

    <div class="post">

    <h2 id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    <a>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

    The end result looks like expected:

    <div class="post">

    <h2 id="post-53">
    <a href="https://www.marsmenschen.com/blog/index.php/2006/11/13/free-java-a-reality-2/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Free Java a reality">Free Java a reality</a>

    Any clues?

    EDIT: Changed in Plugin

    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOCONTENT’, true);
    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOFOOTER’, true);

    and set Theme to wordpress default, still not working.


    This can’t work wih default theme. I had a look at your page and it is :

    <div class="post" id="post-53">

    This plug in relies (for the social links part) on the fact the theme has an post-id value in the title tag.

    In your case your page must be
    <div class="post">
    <h2 id="post-53">

    Its because line 137 – 138

    var url = encodeURIComponent($('post-' + id).firstChild.href);
    var title = encodeURIComponent($('post-' + id).firstChild.innerHTML);

    The plug in javascript calculates the url and the title as javascript dom elements of the page elements which id is ‘post-thevalue’

    Thanks for the explanation, got that now ??

    I switched back to the ‘orange’ theme for my tests. According to your explanation, this should be working, but isn’t:

    <div class="post">

    <h2 id="post-53">
    <a href="https://www.marsmenschen.com/blog/index.php/2006/11/13/free-java-a-reality-2/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Free Java a reality">Free Java a reality</a>


    Sorry it was the only solution I had ??

    For the document moved problem, WP seems prone to that :





    Hello all,

    a temporary solution (hacking core files cant’ be a definitive solution) for the infamous 200 ok document moved here syndrom

    1- open wp-includes/classes.php

    2- look for the following function line 1706 :

    function handle_404() {
    global $wp_query;
    // Issue a 404 if a permalink request doesn't match any posts. Don't
    // issue a 404 if one was already issued, if the request was a search,
    // or if the request was a regular query string request rather than a
    // permalink request.
    if ( (0 == count($wp_query->posts)) && !is_404() && !is_search() && ( $this->did_permalink || (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && (false === strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'))) ) ) {
    status_header( 404 );
    } elseif( is_404() != true ) {
    status_header( 200 );

    3 in the function locate the ligne :
    status_header( 200 );

    4- comment it

    It works..


    Better solution !!!

    DON’T TOUCH CORE FILE (as I wrote just before) this is EVIL, BAD, BAD, BAD ??

    In share-this.php (near line 379) search :

    header("Location: $url");

    and add

    header("Location: $url");
    status_header('302'); // => ADD THIS

    I might work, if it doesn’t eat you cat



    is https://demo.ifelse.co.uk/index.php?wptheme=Simpla the theme you are using? I think if i get the plugin work with ‘simpla’, it would definitely help ??

    Thanks a lot for your efforts!


    Yes it’s simpla, but I had to add manualy the id because simpla doesn’t use it

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