• I’ve released WordPress 1.2 compatible plugins of many of my WordPress hacks:

    • WordPress Mobile Edition – a PDA/cell phone friendly interface
    • WP Since Last Visit – indicate new posts and comments
    • WP Style Switcher – change the look of your site
    • WP Grins – clickable smilies
    • WP Plugin Auto-loader – auto-load your plugins

    Post support questions in this thread.

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  • Thread Starter alexkingorg


    I’m not sure I’m understanding your question, but you can embed the link generated by the hack in a static page and it will perform the same way.

    I’m using the “since last visit” plug-in. All the “new” flags are appearing where they should be but the text output from the plug-in just shows zeros. Is there something I should be altering in the cookie or have I got this part wrong?

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    The reset time to hide the NEW images is 1 hour of inactivity. This is configurable by passing in an argument to the ak_last_visit() function.

    What needs fixing?

    Sorry Alex, I should have explained better. In WPGrins, the “confused” smiley didn’t seem to work for me, and the script referenced :???:. It didnt’ seem to work on your example page either at the time. But now it does so I’m not sure if it was just me.
    Beel, thanks for pointing me at vars.php – I went and added an alias for the icon_confused.gif and now it works great.

    Me again. Using the “smilies” plug-in. Not having a problem with it but I have more smilies than the standard supplied set. Any way of incuding them? They are already in the smilies directory.

    Hold on that. I’ve sorted it with Maxt’s help thanks.

    I am getting the same problem with the ?? smiley. It shows up just as the typed text “:???:” instead of the icon. How did you fix that? Thanks!
    I’m also excited about the photo plug in from Alex! Can’t wait.

    Update: still not working without the space before the 1st colon. What am I missing?

    > WordPress Mobile Edition – a PDA/cell phone friendly interface
    Does anyone have this working? I installed it onto my new (just migrated from MT) WP1.2, and accessing my blog from my mobile device (XDA1, WM2003) just leads me to a blank page that just keeps downloading data… attempting to access it thru e babelfish translator gives a “maximum of 8 redirects’ error.
    Other thing I noted is, the moment I de-activate the plugin, my mobile device immidiately redirects to wp-mobile.php; right now I have the plugin disabled, and surf directly to wp-mobile.php; I am unable to access wp-mobile.php directly when the plugin is activated.
    Would be nice if it would automatically detect mobile devices correctly.

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    Can you share an example URL?
    It sounds like it is detecting the mobile device properly since it is redirecting.

    Concerning the last visits plugin,
    It always displays “0 new posts and 0 new comments since your last visit” even when there ARE new posts/comments. When I visit other sites with this plugin, it seems to me they all say 0 new posts and 0 new comments as well. Is this a problem with my computer?
    this is my site: https://snurl.com/wordp

    Also have this problem. Just took the line out for the time being.

    “When I visit other sites with this plugin, it seems to me they all say 0 new posts and 0 new comments as well.”
    It will the first time you go there, as it has no cookie set on your computer to compare with your (non-existent) last visit.

    What if it’s like that every single time I visit that page, even when there really are new entries/comments?

    In that case I’d say that something somewhere is not quite right ..
    Are you blocking cookies ?

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