Hm. You could add this to your CSS,
Customizer –> Additional CSS :
.sp-template-event-logos-block .team-logo {
word-wrap: break-word;
width: 33%;
but it won’t look that great.
OR :
You could add this to your CSS to reduce the font :
.sp-template-event-logos-block .sp-team-name {
display: block;
clear: both;
vertical-align: middle;
font-size: 16px;
Neither great solutions.
Ideally you would want to over-write the event template to output better.
Maybe ask SportsPress to look it, bc dumping all this info into a td of the table is just not good markup / good HTML.
<a class="team-logo logo-odd" href="/team/polisportiva-olimpia-mosciano/" title="">
<img width="128" height="120" src="/Olimpia-Mosciano_Logo-128x120.png" class="attachment-sportspress-fit-icon size-sportspress-fit-icon wp-post-image" alt="">
<strong class="sp-team-name">Olimpia Mosciano</strong></a>
<a class="team-logo logo-even" href="/team/basket-ball-teramo/" title="">
<strong class="sp-team-name">Basket Ball Teramo</strong>
<img width="111" height="128" src="/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Basketball-Teramo-111x128.png" class="attachment-sportspress-fit-icon size-sportspress-fit-icon wp-post-image" alt=""></a>
<time class="sp-event-date" datetime="">9 Gennaio 2020</time>
<h5 class="sp-event-results"><span class="sp-result">17:30</span></h5>
<span class="sp-event-status">Anteprima</span>