I will almost certainly regret replying. ?? Not from your reply but from others who may feel more emphatic about this topic.
Those buttons were removed for the reasons outlined in this ticket.
And was discussed in this post.
Editor changes in 4.7
And there is a discussion on WP Tavern about that too.
This is part of the development and growth of WordPress. The idea is that the text alignment is something that should be configured in your theme. It is your theme that handles the presentation of text in your posts. Other buttons were removed as well due to usability issues such as the underline button.
I believe you can re-add the buttons using this plugin.
I use that plugin maybe… once a year? Another plugin is this one which explicitly re-adds those buttons.
Decisions to add or remove things from WordPress core are not made lightly or capriciously. A lot of thought and discussion goes into these decisions and a plugin is a good way to get the functionality you want.