• I’m just now getting enough blog posts to be able to launch the site. I have 20 posts but only 10 are showing on the blog page. I know i do have 10 set on the Reading setting but where are the other posts and how would viewers see them?
    I believe the better option is for all posts to show when you go to Blog page (from nav bar) but to only display excerpts (because some of the posts are quite long) and then allow users to click on the excerpt to read the entire post. That’s what i usually see done but i don’t know how to make that change.

    I am using a blank template created from scratch in a web design class.

    Any thoughts?
    Thank you…

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  • where are the other posts and how would viewers see them?

    generally, consider to add some code to the end of the loop in the index template (index.php or home.php if exists) to show pagination links.

    have a read through:

    the better option is …

    if your theme has a single.php and page.php file, consider to edit the index template, to change the_content() to the_excerpt(), and read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Customizing_the_Read_More

    Thread Starter astephens


    ok thank you! I do have a single.php and a page.php page so i went to index template and made the one change (content to excerpt) and that did change all on the blog page archive to excerpts that will link to the post on its single page.

    I did read the info at the link you sent and it helped… but a little much for me. I’m happy that we got the excerpt working. If i want to also add the “more” tag on the edit post page myself to control the location of the end of the excerpt, am i understanding correctly that I can still do that on individual posts w/o adversely affecting the global setting I just made?

    However i do still have the problem that only 10 post excerpts are showing on the blog page. I do understand that i have set 10 on the Reading setting and i did read the pagination link that you gave me but i think that’s where i’m stuck – not sure how to add that so more blog page excerpts will appear. Current i have 10 more that aren’t showing. Could you clarify what i need to add to do that? (I haven’t worked much with the functions file yet but i will be able to follow your instructions.)
    Thank you very much!

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