• It’s just a waste of time. Don’t go through it even if you make it work it will be all errors in the next couple of weeks.

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  • Plugin Author FS Code


    Hi there!

    We always aim to deliver a great experience so that we add new features and develop the plugin. We will use your feedback to make the plugin better and to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

    Could you share error screenshots? We’ll work with you to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

    Best Regards,
    FS Poster.

    Plugin Author FS Code


    Hi there!

    We have not heard from you.

    The plugin is tested and works as excepted. If you encounter any issues and need support, could you please create a support topic so that we can help you?

    Best Regards,
    FS Poster.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @fscode Do not report this review again. Do not.

    Users do get to be wrong in reviews and that’s allowed. This is not a useful review but it is still feedback.

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