• Resolved CapNida


    I have configured the calendar with Instant Booking Enabled and PayPal Disabled.
    When I realice a booking, I get all data introduced in the booking form.

    However When I enable PayPal (sandbox) I get Unchecked in all data in the booking form

    First Name: Unchecked
    Last Name: Unchecked
    Email: Unchecked
    Phone: Unchecked
    Message: Unchecked

    Could you help me?


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  • Thread Starter CapNida


    I have audited the sql petitions and I can see that the insert in database after pay with paypal is incorrect.
    This insertion is made from book-confirmation.php.

    $wpdb->insert(DOPBS_Reservations_table, array(‘calendar_id’ => $DOPBS_CalendarID_holder,
    ‘check_in’ => $DOPBS_CheckIn_holder,
    ‘check_out’ => $DOPBS_CheckOut_holder,
    ‘start_hour’ => $DOPBS_StartHour_holder,
    ‘end_hour’ => $DOPBS_EndHour_holder,
    ‘no_items’ => $DOPBS_NoItems_holder,
    ‘currency’ => $DOPBS_Currency_holder,
    ‘currency_code’ => $DOPBS_CurrencyCode_holder,
    ‘total_price’ => $DOPBS_PriceValue_holder,
    ‘discount’ => $DOPBS_DiscountValue_holder,
    ‘price’ => $DOPBS_PriceToPayValue_holder,
    ‘deposit’ => $DOPBS_PriceDepositValue_holder,
    ‘language’ => $language,
    ’email’ => $DOPBS_Email_holder,
    ‘no_people’ => $DOPBS_NoPeople_holder,
    ‘no_children’ => $DOPBS_NoChildren_holder,
    ‘info’ => json_encode($DOPBS_Form_holder),
    ‘payment_method’ => ‘2’,
    ‘paypal_transaction_id’ => $transactionId,
    ‘status’ => ‘approved’));

    In this insertion ‘info’ => json_encode($DOPBS_Form_holder) is not correctly recovered and it is inserted empty in database. For this reason all data in the email and the reservation appear Unchecked.

    Could you help me with this problem?

    Hi there.

    Yes I had this exact problem and, despite the issue being labelled as “solved”, I still have the issue.

    There was some interaction with the publishers of the plugin DotonPaper, where they asked for my FTP details etc to attempt to solve the issue, but for whatever reason they were unable to do so, so the issue remains.

    I would really love to see it fixed though so please let me know if you have any progress or are able to implement a workaround.

    Plugin Author DOTonPAPER



    In a week or two the plugin will be updated and the bug fixed.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author DOTonPAPER



    Here is the solution for this bug:

    replace this
    if (isset($_POST['DOPBookingSystemPRO_FormField'.$cID.'_'.$field->id])){

    with this

     if (isset($_POST['DOPBookingSystem_FormField'.$cID.'_'.$field->id])){

    in the file booking-system/assets/paypal/expresscheckout.php

    The update will be available really soon.

    Thank you.

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