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    Hi I would appreciate some response. Everything at our disposal has been exhausted trying to resolve this problem.

    I need to get rid of that {{wpppdynamic}} or get all my image files to point at the correct media file and not your cutom url that the plugin created for all of them.

    This is a very big deal for us.

    thanks in advance for your reply

    Had the same problem. Hopefully the plugin author will chime in soon, because this is NOT cool at all.

    Why is the plugin author not responding at all to this thread? We really need to know how to rectify this issue

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Hi, sorry for the late response. I was on vacation.

    The {{wpppdynamic}} is added when dynamic Image linking is enabled. As of now, it’s never removed, but replaced by the right path as long as the plugin is activated. So as a workaround kepp WPPP activated, but disable everything. The dynamic links will still be replaced.

    I’m currently working on the next release of WPPP and I’ll add a tool to restore the Image URLs in the posts, which will be executed automatically when WPPP is deactivated.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Version 1.8 includes an option to restore static links and will do so automatically on deactivation.

    Tried to use the “restore static links” option and that did not work. Also deactivated and subsequently removed the program and the wpppdynamic still writes itself into the image urls. Any other suggestions? It would have been nice to know that this plugin completely breaks a site, prior to installing it.

    Bjorn, editing live content should have a huge disclaimer on it. Please make it more clear that people are doing permanent and potentially irreversible changes to their post data.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    @khromov: You are absolutely right – hadn’t thought about it that way (also because I reused onld code for that feature). I’ll change the behaviour in the next release to completely dynamic as default with substitution for faster URL replacement as an optional feature.


    Sounds awesome!

    I uninstalled this plugin recently and it did correctly rewrite all my data back to its original form, so thanks for that feature! ??

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Version 1.9 introduces the new behaviour. Maybe you can give it a try.

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