Thank you for your quick response!
I do have the XML Sitemap generator that does notify google.
Here is what it has recently said:
* Your sitemap was last built on December 16, 2008 6:53 am.
* Your sitemap (zipped) was last built on December 16, 2008 6:53 am.
* Google was successfully notified about changes.
* MSN was successfully notified about changes.
* was successfully notified about changes.
* The building process took about 0.59 seconds to complete.
* If you changed something on your server or blog, you should rebuild the sitemap manually.
* If you encounter any problems with the build process you can use the debug function to get more information.
In regards to the XML sitemap plugin, should I have this box check marked that says:
Modify or create robots.txt file in blog root which contains the sitemap location.
File permissions: OK, robots.txt doesn’t exist but the directory is writable.
Thanks for your help