This problem still exists. I did go in and Enabled the custom post types (shouldn’t have had to since the WP plugin worked prior to update).
I also followed your link @hallsofmontezuma to Github to submit a commment about the SEO pack not working but it 404d.
Do we have a general idea of when this will be fixed? It’s not a minor issue either – this is major.
Furthermore to your post.
“Previously, we had a somewhat minor bug where if you had SEO on only these post types all unchecked, the meta entry fields would still show up.
In version 2.6, we fixed this issue.
That means for some users who inadvertently had all these checkboxes unchecked and didn’t know it, updating gives the appearance of your SEO meta entry fields disappearing. ”
How is having the meta info there a problem? You created the problem by fixing something that wasn’t broken in the first place. To get rid of the meta info, the user simply needed to hide the box or remove the selection from screen options. Simple and efficient.