• Margo


    Hi there,

    I have this error from more then one month now on my webpage and until now I could not fix it.

    All my main pages in the menu, except the home page, open with the 404 eerror page.

    When I click on Page Builder, I can select the correct page for it, I save the cchanges, but this is not taken into account, the error is still there.

    I tried to deacticate plugins, activate them back, one by one, this did not help unfortunately.

    I could read that other WordPress sites faced the same kind of error.

    If you have any idea on how to fix this, kindly let me know.

    Thank you very much in advance,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hyppolite T.


    Hi there,

    Have you tried clearing the browser cache?and cookies? And can you try to visit your site in incognito mode to see if the issue will still occur?

    In your WordPress dashboard at https://esztergomtours.hu/wp-amin, navigate to Settings > Permalinks, and click the Save Changes button to reset the permalinks. This will update your permalink settings and flush the rewrite rules found in your .htaccess file. In most cases, this solution helps fix that issue. Note that the “404 page not found error” usually means that there is a problem with your permalink settings or the way your URLs are set up. Follow these next steps if the above solution doesn’t fix it:

    1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Edit the page or post that is giving the 404 error.
    3. Make sure the permalink is correct by clicking the URL section and changing the slug. You can follow the same process for all the 404 errors.?
    1. Don’t forget to save the page or post by clicking the Update button.?
    2. After that, go to Settings and select Permalinks.
    3. You have to choose a new permalink structure, preferably Post name.
    4. Then save your changes.
    5. You have to test your website.
    6. Clear browser cache.

    Try all the above troubleshooting steps and let me know if you need further help. You may need to restore your .htaccess file in some extreme cases.

    Thread Starter Margo


    Hello Hyppolite,

    Thank you for taking care of my question.

    I have tried almost all the steps that you suggested:

    1. Went to my WordPress dashboard.
    2. Edited one of the pages that is giving the 404 error. I saved the correct version, but when I opened the site again and click on the menu “Idegenvezetés” it still takes me to 404 error. This is the link to that page: https://esztergomtours.hu/idegenvezetes/ You can try it, it takes directly to 404 error. I could edit the 404 error page and could insert the Facebook site there, but it is still the 404 error.
    3. Checked the URL section and changed the slug. The url in the page is correct. I cannot insert screenshot here, but I checked it and it is correct. I would have follow the same process for all the 404 errors if it hepled.
    4. I didn’t forget to save the page or post by clicking the Update button. 
    5. Went to Settings and select Permalinks.
    6. I have choosen a new permalink structure, Post name and another one, but I have noticed here that even if I saved Permalink on another structure, it jumped back to Post name, so here there was no way to save anything else.
    7. I saved my changes, but it looks like my changes are not taken into account.
    8. I tested my website. The problem remains.
    9. Cleared browser cache. Opened In Private Window in Edge and Incognito in Chrome, but the problem remains.
    10. Tried all the above troubleshooting steps and Ineed further help. I did not restore my .htaccess . Consulted the link and it seemed too complicated for me. Could you explain a little bit more precisely what you mean by this?

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    Kind regards,


    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Margo.
    Thread Starter Margo


    Hello Hyppolite, Hi All,

    I am still struggleing with the same issue. Afte two moth now I think of rebuilding the whole website which will be a huge job.

    On the diggerent pages I cannot change the permalinks, I don’t have that option. This Error comes up in the main menu, it is the same in Incognito.

    I have tried to delete the menu items, to add them back again, the error persists.

    I don’t really see how exactly can I check if the menu saves the correct permalinks.

    Could you let me know how can I restore the?.htaccess?file? I would like to try that as well hoping that it would be easier then rebuilding the whole site.

    Hi Margo,

    To fix 404 errors in WordPress using htaccess, add the following code to your htaccess file:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    Make sure to backup the current .htaccess file.

    You can check out the following documentation for more details


    Hope this will help.


    Thread Starter Margo


    Hello Hyppolite,

    Well, I have cloned my website obtaining a test environment for it and I have changed the .htaccess file to the above text.

    Unfortunately this has not fixed my problem.

    Should I keep all the preious text of my .htaccess file and add this text at the end of it?

    I tried to replace the part between #Begin WordPress and #EndWorPress with this version and it did not help.

    Now I have deleted all the rest from the .htaccess file (instructions for PHP), the result is the same. Nothing has changed.

    I have noticed that if I open this menu: https://uj.esztergomtours.hu/wp64/en/guiding/ (It will be the same for all the other menus: Guiding, Inbound Tourism, Outbound Tourism, Theatre Ticket, Contact. Only the Home page comes in properly), then I click on Page Builder to edit it, there I can see that the “404 error” page comes in instead of the page named “Guiding”. There I can scroll down among the pages to select another page and I can select the page named “Guiding”, then I click on “Save changes” Then I click on “View page” and the result is the same. This modifications cannot be saved. I have tried this several times and the result is always the same. These changes cannot be saved.

    I have also tried to delete all menu elements from the menu editor and to add them back again, this did not help either.

    It seems that there is something that blocks those pages. I have checked and all my pages are standard pages, however the Home page works well, but all the others don’t.

    I hope that these details may bring us closer to a solution.

    In case you have any idea of how I could fix this, I would much appreciate it.

    Thank you,


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