do you have a backup of website database and files-alternatively does your host have a backup?
]]>Yes, I think I do have a backup file, if I’m not mistaken I found one located in my hosting site: (hostgator) at /backupwordpress/home2/mullie/public_html/wp_backup1472786852.tar.gz
Please kindly help me what should I do?
]]>have you tried a default theme like twentysixteen
check to see if your theme version is up to date-seems like your theme was purchased from Elegant themes
look in your database in hostgator account (PHPMYADMIN). are any posts or pages showing in the wp_posts table?
then if posts and pages are NOT present in the database anymore
ask hostgator support team for best procedure to restore your site using the backup
how current is your backup file?
Just a few days ago, I noticed that WordPress automatically update my wordpress version from 4.2.1 to the latest wordpress 4.7 which then I assume this caused all the posts, pages, and images gone in my website.
I could not locate wp_posts table, but I found some files such as:
how current is your backup file? ==> it shows last modified on Sept 2, 2016
please contact hostgator for assistance to find the location of your database tables in your webhosting account. usually you can get to it in cpanel area PHPMYADMIN — but it might be different in hostgator
]]>And once I got the file, where should I put this file to restore my site back to normal?
Will it display all the posts, pages, images, and everything which was disappeared now?