• Resolved renato6


    i recently migrated my website from an host to another. In this one, i have a dedicated IP to my website. Now, on All in One WordPress Security, in the option “Logged in Users” show logged with the same it. And that ip is the static ip i now have on the website. I think this is not corret.

    But the critical part is not the above one. My great problem is that the users of the website are all getting locked out from time to time, probably because the ip is the same for all users and gets in conflict.

    Best Regards

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  • Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi, does your site have registered members? Another words are people login into your site? Have you by any chance whitelisted the IP address?


    Same issue here.

    I have only 2 administration logins, no other user have a login.

    When logged as administrator, from time to time, same login appears in the logged users page with the IP address of my web server!! (shared with other domains)

    After having the chills (with hidden login URL and highly complex passwords), after checking all logs, after checking with my Web Services provider, there was no administration connexion from my server IP address, and this seems to be just a bug of the Safety plugin ??

    This may be linked with this other issue: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/could-not-force-logout-user/


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    @tnkaoua, can you create a new support thread please.

    Thank you

    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    same login appears in the logged users page with the IP address of my web server

    So are you saying that the aiowps thinks that your IP address is not the correct one?
    Can you go to the “white list” feature settings page and check what the value of “Your Current IP Address” is? Is it different to your actual IP address?

    Are you using the latest version of aiowps?

    You could try the following tweak in your wp-config.php (see my last reply in following thread):

    Thread Starter renato6


    i’ve been contacting my host about this issue and what they told me was that i had disabled XMLRPC via the WP AIO Security Plugin. And that by doing so, login functions would be generated from the Server IP (it’s static) rather than the Client’s IP. I don’t if is this the cause because i still not tested it. But i would like to hear your opinions too about this.

    Best Regards

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