Adding custom color options to this backend panel will require registering custom scripts and javascript since there isn’t any native color picker you can use in custom admin screens. If I’m going to essentially just add every setting from the Customizer for editor access it really defeats the whole purpose of the addon plugin, since you could instead just add some code to your site to provide access to the customizer to your editor. Or perhaps you should consider just giving admin access to your editor.
With the following code you could grant access to the Customizer to the editor role:
More info: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/classes/wp_role/add_cap/
Or even better you could do this using a plugin like the “User Role Editor” plugin.
Of course, if you grant customizer access to your editor they will be able to edit everything in the Customizer. So one thing you could do is hook into the customizer to remove every section and panel besides the Easy Notification Tab from the editor role. This is quite simple. Example code: https://gist.github.com/wpexplorer/16828b7ebe898e8e105a508ed2fde39b (note this could may trigger some debug warnings in WP due to how they coded some things though, but I tested and didn’t see any actual issues).
Screenshot of the result using the code above: https://a.cl.ly/z8ury7bw (you would need additional code if you want to hide the menu/widget panel in the WP admin, but that’s easy enough as well)
That said, if you want your specific editor to be able to modify the design of your notification bar, I’m guessing you wouldn’t have any problem giving them access to all design aspects of the site, so perhaps just granting the editor role “edit_theme_options” rights (or a specific user on the site) would be the easiest for you. Giving access to modify the top bar means you have enough trust that they won’t add any SPAM to the top of your site site, so I’m thinking you should be able to trust them with full Customizer access.
– AJ