• Resolved vi54


    Hi, I absolutely adore the plugin! Thanks for developing this.

    I do have a question: my client is rather old and is confused about the admin front end bar.

    His role is the shopmanager as a user.

    Right now I’ve set the adminimize settings for front end to
    allow the shopmanager to edit the page, because otherwise I can’t allow the user to edit categories or products in the admin bar.

    He often calls me to say he’s editing a product, while he means that he’s editing a page. Very confusing for the old man ??

    Is there a way to only allow to edit woocommerce categories and products in the front end admin bar?

    I don’t have detailed options in the front end admin bar for woocommerce.

    Backend is safe. No issues there.

    I am using the latest woocommerce installment, latest adminimize and wordpress installations.

    Thank you very much for your expert advice.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by vi54.
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  • Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    It is not easy. Thats a topic of Woo, that use the same capability for this pages, so that all roles, there have this capability, can edit this page.
    You should try to remove this pages form the menu items, settings of Adminimize, so that Adminimize check the rights to access this pages.

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