• Hello everybody!

    This is my first post, so I hope I’m in the right board.
    I’ve had a few problems after wordpress 3.9 upgrade uploading medias. Firstly, the progress bar was stuck at 100%. Image didn’t display (but was present) in media library. When I tried to put the image in a post, it was included with a fixed height and width of 1px (I assume it’s why it didn’t display in library).

    I tried to deactivate every plugins and activate them back one by one.
    I have activated the following without problems: Akismet, Members, NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster, RB Internal links, Resize images before upload, WP-FB-AutoConnect, WB Post to PDF and WP-Utilisateur-Avatar.

    When I try to activate Subscribe2, TablePress or Importateur WordPress and try to upload a new image, I get the following error: “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /home/www/2d066fac1bcfe5713d9731a5fa6bc9f1/web/wp-includes/media.php on line 1987”

    Any advice would be most welcome.

    Edit: forgot to add that after the error, the image is in the media library but not displaying, which makes me thinking the two errors are in relation.

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  • Hi, one thing you can try is increasing memory WP can use. By default, it uses about 40MB, but usually hosting providers are more generous.

    In your wp-config.php file, add this to increase memory limit to 96 MB.

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M' );

    More details here:

    It should not have any adverse effects on your site.

    Thread Starter sebastien_1981


    hi, Viktor, and thanks for your answer!

    Unfortunately, it didn’t change anything. I still get the same message…
    I’m not sure, but if I’m understanding that error message well (which might very well NOT be the case), the allowed memory size in my case is 128MB.

    Its due to plugin. Its calling some wrong queries thats why its showing that error.

    If rajlaksh is right, then you would have to get support from plugin developer.

    You need to figure out which plugin is causing it. I doubt it’s tablepress, I’ve used it and it works.

    Test upload with subscribe2 deactivated, is error showing?
    Test upload with Importateur WordPress deactivated, is error showing?

    You need to figure out what plugin is causing this error, to be able to get support from the developer.

    Thread Starter sebastien_1981


    Thanks for the answers. Sorry I haven’t been able to answer before but work was pretty hectic last week. Hopefully next one will be quieter ??

    I’ve tested with the three plugins, one after the other.
    I have the problem with tablepress, the two others being deactivated.
    I had (see below) the problem with subscribe2, the two others being deactivated.
    I have the problem with Importateur WordPress, the two others being deactivated.

    However, some new informations that might be interesting and are highly frustrating:

    Some other media seems to be added just fine, even though they are same type and smaller size.

    With some other media I have no error message, but the same problem as before, i. e. media upload progress bar stuck at 100%, no image in media library (but media is in library), and media size at 1×1 px when added to a post.

    I’ve seen subscribe2 version 10.1 has been released. Updated it but it doesn’t change.

    I have to admit I’m starting to think I won’t be able to have it working ??


    I’ve found that deactivating the jetpack plugin it works again.

    Hope it helps

    I can’t get onto my admin page to disable the plugin. How does one get around that?

    @bluedawg – you’ll need to use FTP or Cpanel to access your site files on the server and remove that plugin manually. Ask your hosting company for help if you don’t know how to use those. If you need further assistance, please start a new thread here:


    Thanks, Yes I use fetch so I have access to all the files – Just not sure where the glugin file is located

    It’s here:


    No such folder on my install. Did they change things around? I just installed today I can send a screen grab of my file list

    I’ll start another thread

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