• Hi. I have made a plugin that is trying to measure how much memory each plugin uses. I called it “WP plugin memory usage”, BUT when using the WordPress Readme Validator I get two fatal errors:

    Your chosen plugin name –?WP Plugin Memory Usage?– contains the restricted term “wp” which cannot be used to begin your permalink or display name. We disallow the use of certain terms in ways that are abused, or potentially infringe on and/or are misleading with regards to trademarks.
    Your chosen plugin name –?WP Plugin Memory Usage?– contains the restricted term “plugin“, which cannot be used at all in your plugin permalink nor the display name.

    So, the “WP” I can get rid of, but is it not possible to use “Plugin” in the plugin name when it is actually what the program is suppose to do? Measure plugin memory? How to solve this? Any ideas? ??

    • This topic was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by NETT.PRO.
    • This topic was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by NETT.PRO.
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  • Moderator James Huff


    Hm, there could be an exception to that.

    I recommend contacting the Plugin Review Team at plugins (at) wordpress (dot) org

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