To Samuel B –
I need some help. A prior employee set up, probably using his own email address. I found the website by doing a Google search on myself and found several errors.
When I tried to log in and couldn’t, I tried resetting the password, which probably sent an email to the previous employee.
In searching WordPress I found where you had helped someone else with this same problem but then that thread was closed. And at 61 yrs old, I’m not geek enough to figure out how to start a new thread, but found that you seem to be moderating this one. I hope you can help me out with this by changing the email address for to [email moderated] and getting me a new password as well.
by the way, in order to get this far, I sent up a new user name dougreit with [email moderated], so if WordPress will not allow the same email address for two different login names (dougreitmeyer and dougreit), then just reset the email address to [email moderated] as I get email at that address as well.
Your help with this is greatly appreciated and if you have any questions, you can call me at [tel no moderated]. And if you have any doubt that I am the Doug Reitmeyer in question, just Google “Doug Reitmeyer” or visit to confirm my identity.
And just for fun, feel free to visit for a view from the top of the SF Icon!
Thank you, Doug Reitmeyer